Barbecue sauce with dark forest honey

There are many delicious barbecue sauce recipes around the web – Some of buy versions are reputable and most often does one get yourself messed a hit together in a bowl before grilling, which can not be reproduced accurately, but you just make a new next time. I have some ingredients that I keep returning to and made a sauce of slightly larger portion which come in bottles. Here in a little special variant with dark forest honey.

The sauce here is intended as a barbecue sauce of the kind that you smear on meat and vegetables the last moments of grilling time. It can also be served to the grilled or fried meat and vegetables as a dip or sauce.

It's a little more time consuming process than to snatch a bottle at the supermarket, but I think of course it is worth it. Judge for yourself, if you have the courage to try.

This batch yields approximately. 2,2 liter.


1 kg semidried, røgede tomater

Chili to taste – possibly. smoked (not translated yet)

200 gr mørk skovhonning

100 gr tamarindpasta + 1 liter vand

3 dl mørk soya (use the thick of Asians supermarket)

3 hele hvidløg

1 dl mørk sesamolie

Sodium benzoate


How to:

The tomatoes sliced ​​down the middle and dried in the oven. Store tomatoes stand with me about. 15 timer ved 50 – 60 grader.

Then cold smoked the approximately. 12 timer.

Tamarindpastaen udrøres i 1 liter kogende vand og står og trækker minimum 30 minutter. The juice is strained then down into the pan and the pulp thrown out.

Alle ingredienser blandes i gryden og simrer under låg ca 30 minutter.

Blend then – preferably with a hand blender. Otherwise, the mass to cool to the temperature as your food processor or blender can handle.

When it is blended to a suitable consistency Køge mass op igen. Herefter tages den af varmen og der røres Atamon i.

Hæls sauce on pure, scalded, Atamonskyllede bottles.



Of course you can use hot smoked tomatoes instead – it takes course only an hour or two depending on how much heat you give them – then they are dried and smoked a little. Fresh tomatoes – without smoke – can also be used, it's just a little something different.


Among other things used: grilled chicken, grilled pepper (T-Bone has fået Barbecue spice (will be translated upon request))


Made with particular. In Trinidad Scorpion Morouga Blend til Portion in.

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5 thoughts on “Barbecue sauce with dark forest honey

  1. for guds skyld, lad være med at brug blomsterhonning … det tager ALT maskulint ud af en chilisauce ….. (bitter erfaring)

  2. hej Vivi her kommer en som du måske kan bruge.
    2 små ananas vendt i vanijesukker og grillet.
    2 hele hvidløg bagt
    tørret røget tomater 200 gr tror jeg
    røget jalapenos
    1 rød peber
    aji lemon
    2 rødløg
    1 klump ingefær
    2 spk lakridsirup
    soy, apple cider vinegar, mokavardsukker,a little salt.

    smag skønt
    venlig hilsen Jette
    ps tænkte at jeg måtte give lidt igen, for misbrug af dine opskrifter
    det hele smides i gryde og småsimre blendes og smages til.

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