2 spsk korianderfrø
1 spsk hel spidskommen
1 spsk hel stjerneanis
1 lille stykke hel kanel 2-3 cm
5 spsk olie
4 tørrede Jalapeño eller nnogle friske
8 spsk hakket løg
8 spsk hakket hvidløg
1 spsk hakket citrongræs
2 tynde skiver galangarod
2 skalotteløg
1/4 tsk revet limeskal
How to:
Shock cinnamon crunch lightly in the mortar or grinding it easy on the cutting board with something heavy.
Coriander, cumin, stjerneanis og kanel ristes på en tør pande i 2-3 minutter ved jævn varme. Stir it constantly. It should scents light roasted and must of course be too dark.
Shock the cooled spices in a mortar or spice grinder used to grind them into powder.
Heat the oil in a small frying pan over medium heat. Steg pounds, onion and garlic golden.
Combine all ingredients in a blender and run it well.
Kan opbevares 2-3 uger på køl eller fryses i portioner (as. 2 top-spsk er passende pr. portion for two, I think – but a try). Jeg får 4 portioner ud af denne. They packed easily in small wrap packages and place in a freezer bag on which is written what is in.