Coated marzipan balls with walnuts (will be translated upon request), licorice and chili


400 gr marcipan

a half cup walnuts


2 toptsk engelsk lakridspulver

1 tsk chili

white chocolate coating


How to:

Fill a mug half with walnuts. Pour the port over as it covers. Cover the mug with movie and put it in the fridge for the next day.

Mix marzipan with chili and licorice and knead well. Pour a few teaspoons port in – it makes it easier to knead.

Drain the nuts.

Pak little marzipan on each walnut and roll them into balls. Moisture hands with cold water on the way when it becomes too sticky. The water will surface to look a little funny, whitish out – but it dries again.

Ask the balls to dry on the kitchen table for an hour, before they are coated with white chocolate – see . little about chocolate.

Port wine can be used in the sauce, if you think it has been too bitter.

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9 thoughts on “Coated marzipan balls with walnuts (will be translated upon request), licorice and chili

  1. Hej Vivi

    Jeg vil lige benytte mig af lejligheden til at rose din flotte blog. Den har virkelig udviklet sig siden jeg første gang så den i foråret (mener jeg det var)
    Det er utrolig flot alt det du får lavet – og giver masser af inspiration til hverdagen.

    Keep up the good work 🙂

    • Marcipan laver man da selv 🙂
      – you could possibly. bruge glukose i stedet for honning, hvis ikke du vil have honningsmagen i.
      Af købemarcipan er Odense’s originale (de laver flere) eller Kokkens rigtig gode. I rigtig mange andre situationer ville jeg jo anbefale et økologisk produkt, men dem som jeg har prøvet har simpelthen smagt skrækkeligt – og jeg kan se at diverse anmeldere er enige.

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