Roast pork with orange, chili and liqourice (will be translated upon request)

…and suffered cloves and bay.

How cloves and bay is classic for roast pork is the other spices well be described as a newer feature of the past year. Instead of sprinkling the roast and seasonings, I have chosen to make a marinade and spray into the – to better distributing the taste.


3 kg kamsteg

A small handful of salt (I use lightly smoked chili salt)

3 usprøjtede appelsiner

possibly. 1-2 tsk sukker

3 tsk chilipulver med lille top

3 tsk engelsk lakridspulver med lille top

45 hele nelliker

A small handful of bay leaves – like fresh if you have a bush.


How to:

Take the roast out of the refrigerator at least an hour before using it in the oven. Dab the rind dry with paper towels and place the roast a place where it can get living room / kitchen temperature.

At that time, make the marinade also (can also be made earlier if it fits your schedule better).

Wash and dry orange founders. Grate the peel finely and squeeze out the juice. Come share both in a bowl. It does not matter that there are seeds and flesh.

If the orange peel is very acidic, smages til med 1-2 tsk sukker til saften smager som saft fra en sød appelsin.

Deal cloves holders a proper place in the mortar or ride krydderikværnen – and pour them so the marinade with chilli- and lakridspulver.

Stir marinade good – i.e.. but evt. spice lumps out of the back of a spoon. Let marinade pull an hour on the kitchen table. Should it be longer, then put it in the fridge.

When it soon is almost time for the roast to the oven, tændes ovnen på 150 grader.

Rind scratched off if necessary (it is almost always think) – scratch down to the meat, but not into the meat.

Si marinade into another bowl, so you have a completely liquid mass without 'lumps'. Use marinade syringe to distribute the marinade in the entire roast. Spraying onto the inclined around, so that a plug marinade going to be spread over several slices increased.

Rub the rind well with plenty of salt – and be sure to come down firmly in between all sværene.

If the roast is not just high over the place, you can roll some small balls of aluminum foil and stuff under the, there where it should be emphasized. We want the rind is just close to the heat of it all if possible.

Skær eller klip laurbærbladene i 3 dele på langs og sæt stykkerne ned mellem sværene.

Sæt et stegetermometer i stegen og indstil på kernetemperatur på 62 grader.

In the oven with the animal and wait for the thermometer is calling you. In the meantime, you should have something accessories to be prepared.

Når de 62 grader i midten af stegen er nået, take it out of the oven – it must not be covered. Turn the oven up on the grill. Arrow laurels of the rind.

When the oven is hot (and roast chilled a bit of) – put the roast zoom back about. 10 cm fra grillen, until sværene are crisp and perfect. Watch carefully and remove flux roast out when the rind is nice. Charge Stegen short rest meanwhile you all get track of the rest.

Så er der serveret ;o)



For marinade syringes at good hardware stores. It is a cheap and phenomenal tool for meat, where you always wished that you could benefit seasoning, such that it needed a little more into the meat. Widely used by barbeque people also. The cannula has a hole on the side of the needle, the tip is only used to perforate the.

I attach a recipe for braised kamsteg up at a later date also.

Gløggmix with chili (will be translated upon request)

It's fun and easy to create its own gløggmix. The chili is deafening in this version, but gives a warm kick.

Gløgmix'et poured in a neutral bottle of spirits – ex. vodka or schnapps and pulls long – like from one Christmas to the next, but shorter can also do it. It's a good idea to think about making the external. middle of summer.


1 flaske neutralt smagende vodka eller snaps (i.e.. red Smirnoff or Brondum)

1 toptsk hele nelliker

5 Cassia kanelstænger (ordinary commercially) or the equivalent amount of whole Ceylon Cinnamon

2 toptsk grønne kardemommekapsler

Complete mace corresponding to approximately. 1 toptsk

3 hele stjerneanis

1 toptsk tørret citronskal

2 toptsk tørret appelsinskal

1 tsk knust chili/chiliflager

2 toptsk skåret lakridsrod

Dried, hel ingefær svarende til 2 toptsk

How to:

Hæld ca. 1 dl af vodka/snaps ud af flasken og gem et øjeblik (or use a large, nyskoldet jar to mix in instead).

Letknus kardemommen so the shells are open. Letknus ginger and star anise so they can get in the bottle.

Pour the spices in the bottle and top up with the extra liquid in the bottle is full.

Place the bottle aside and turn it a game upside down and back again once in a while when you come to think of it. If you forget the, Does it taste good anyway.

Use the amount you like in a pot full of red wine (or white wine or elderflower cordial) as you heat – but does not bring in cognitive. Pour gløggmix'et through a small sieve into the pan. Add perhaps. some sugar – This mix is ​​not so sweet as many of the purchased. A slice of lemon, orange and / or a pair of washers ginger added during the heating, I also think is a nice touch.

Mulled wine mix is ​​very strong spice taste – especially when it has been some time, så brug kun en lille smule til at starte med. Jeg starter normalt med at bruge ca. ½ cup gløggmix for a bottle of wine and taste me looked forward if I want more.

Add also like port wine, cognac, ROM or whatever you normally pour in your mulled wine in the pan.


Along the way, when you take the bottle, You can tops it up with fresh vodka / schnapps after each, as long as you think that there is enough flavor in.

If you have a partially full bottle back after Christmas, You can top it with fresh vodka / schnapps – screw the lid tightly and store it for next Christmas.

If you do, so try CE. to sieve seasoning from a few months before you need it again and supplement with it that you think is missing in the taste of it is balanced.

The spices changing tastes along the way, but can stand long sagten. Jeg har haft dem stående i op til 4 år (there was a year where we did very).