If you have to cook for many – or may want to fill the freezer with delicious servings easy meals – this is one of the answers. The bow is used as the long piece of fried pig neck most here in DK know as pulled pork. Kødet her er bare en smule mere magert – and is in general a super beautiful piece of meat with very little waste. We use the model with bones and severe – uhm.
Tag Archives: red wine
Bones braised in red wine and chili (will be translated upon request)
Remember stegeben – or 'good legs’ as they were called here – they just got a revival in my kitchen. Our new supplier of meat had a few bags lying when we last downloaded meat on the farm (http://johannesminde.dk/) and so wildly delicious out and was very meaty. Haps. I would like to give them a little lift and it was for this little project which fortunately did the first time. It's really good legs.
4 – 5 kg kødfulde stegeben
1 flaske rødvin
Chillies to taste – i.e.. one Habanero Chocolate
2 store løg
1 hvidløg
2 toptsk muscovado eller anden mørk sukker
olive oil
Gastriq eller lidt æbleeddike + mørk sukker
1 dl fløde
How to:
Season the legs with salt and pepper.
Cut the onion into small pieces and some garlic in half.
Cut the fresh chilli, sliced.
Brown the legs in a pan in a mixture of olive oil and butter and add to the pan with the spirit as they are finished.
Brown the onions so they get color and add to the pan along with the cut garlic, brown sugar and chili.
Pour red wine by and fill with water until it reaches the upper leg – but they are not to be covered.
Put the lid on the pot and bring to the boil. Skru ned sådan at den simrer og lad den gøre det i 2 timer.
When the legs are done remove and keep warm – possibly. i et fad i ovnen ved svag varme.
Strain the sauce and put it in a (like less) pot. Lad den koge ind til ca 1/3. Taste now with gastriq and cream and even possibly. the sauce a little if it penetrates. Taste also with salt and pepper and a little more chilli if you like.
Server legs with ex. steamed vegetables or mash and a little of the sauce. The sauce is very close in taste.
Cheating now not allow yourself to have a good gastriq below – it does wonders ift. To round a sauce like this of.
Lige inden servering kan benene få et par minutter under grillen i ovnen det bliver de bestemt ikke dårligere af.
The legs can be covered by only one layer baking paper and then a layer of aluminum foil and genvarmes in the oven. Remember baking paper between when there is chili in court – otherwise 'etches’ food the foil.
Pork Cheeks in chili sauce (will be translated upon request)
The butter tender jaws are concentrated sauce, which is made of reduced red wine, flavored with particular. soy, blackcurrant juice and hot chilli. It may of course be made in just the strength is desired, but it does well as a strong sauce, since the rest of flavor entities can easily catch up with chili. The jaws themselves are well seasoned without being dominated by the sauce, so do not hold back with seasoning.
3 – 4 kg svinekæber
2 flasker rødvin
4 dl soya
4 dl solbærsaft
6 – 8 løg
2 – 3 hele hvidløg
a handful of carrots
chili to taste – eks 3 – 4 chokolade Habanero
1 topspsk sellerifrø
20 – 25 tørrede enebær
salt and peber
little butter or oil
maybe some. cream and a little thickening
How to
Pig jaws checked for tendons and these are cut off. Sprinkle jaws with a little salt and pepper. Be a little reluctant salt, then where they are expected to part soy in court.
Wash the carrots. They should only be peeled off if absolutely necessary. Cut them into slices.
The onions are peeled and cut into chunks.
The garlic cut in half so that all fat is cut through the middle and possibly. free to be removed.
The chili cut into quarters and stem removed.
Pigs jaws browned in a single layer in a little butter or oil and poured gradually into the pan. Carrots and onions browned also – separately – and add them to the pan.
In saucepan accepted now also the rest of the ingredients: red wine, soy, blackcurrant juice, garlic, chili, celery and juniper berries.
Put the lid on the pot and bring to the boil. Turn down so it simmer and leave it and do it in 1 ½ hours.
Remove from the heat and fish gently jaws up, they are very tender. Add them to drain in a colander.
Strain the sauce and put it back into the pan. Let it boil until there is less than half back compared to what you started with, like less.
Taste the sauce to. Missing salt, chili, sweetness? If you want to dyu round it off with a little cream and it is too thin for your taste, do not you smooth it easy.
Come jaws back into the pan and heat with lid and on low heat. Turn them gently a few times along the way.
Serve with whatever you fancy. Here it is often a delicious root vegetables and a salad with slightly sour dressing.
There's a free hand with chili also in this right, but I myself am very excited about the dark 'chokolade'chilier. The Court can take a pretty good time chili – there are plenty of other flavors to back up – and if you serve with a gentle and soft moss there's space to fire well into the sauce. Is the sauce was a bit too strong, can be a little cream dampen fine.
The recipe here makes for a very large portion. We make it often in the size and batch freezer remains. It is worth gold on busy weekdays.
Red Hot chili sauce (will be translated upon request)
Housing 'standard’ multi-use and very hot chili sauce that lends itself equally well to be made with medium hot as quite strong chillies. I have successfully made it with 'shake-greenhouse’ chili mixture at the end of the season.
I love it as red Habanerosauce – uhm, but superhot it is also a nice sauce to have standing, when the dosage of the strong stuff the easy.
Mænden the rest of the ingredients align with chili amount. Should you export use 2 ½ cups oil and 7 ½ cup red wine you must also times the rest of the ingredients by 2 ½.
Chili: all the chilies as you like to make sauce
The following portion multiplied by the number of times it takes for olive oil and red wine to just barely cover the chillies into the pan
1 dl olivenolie
3 dl rødvin
2 spsk salt
6 topspsk rå rørsukker
1 lille tsk citronsyre
maybe some. noget koncentreret tomatpasta
Sodium benzoate
How to:
Remove stem from chillies and halve them. In the pot with them.
Pour oil and red wine so it barely covers chillies (remember that times the rest of the ingredients up later when you get to them).
Let it simmer for fifteen minutes.
Blend the pulp with a stick blender – or allow to cool to the temperature of your food processor (or blender) can tolerate and use the.
Cook the mass back to you think the consistency is as you want it – I boil it usually just a few minutes – but you can cook it in as it suits you. Taste the while to the measured citric acid, sugar and salt – maybe you will have less or more in?
Hvis du synes at den er blevet for tynd – eller bare hvis du har lyst – så tilsæt noget koncentreret tomatpasta. Det jævner og runder smagen godt af med tomat. Så skal det lige koges igennen et par minutters tid.
Remove from the heat and add Atamon as directed on the bottle.
Pour immediately clean, scalded, atamonskyllede glass or bottles, which immediately closed and just turned a walk upside down and back again.
Normally I use red wine – but you can make a light sauce with white wine and exports. gule chillier. You can substitute wine vinegar, so you get a more Sambal oelek like sauce. One can add onion, garlic, ginger, lemon grass, etc..
The sauce is relatively thin – which suits me fine, when I make the rather strong. You can easily use something less liquid (oil and red wine) – eg. so chilerne only half covered, if you would like a thicker chili sauce. It is not uncommon that the thin model face and stand (see last picture below) – they mean nothing, it just shaken together again before taking the. If the sauce is made extra hot (i.e.. Generation superhots) so it is nice that it is thin and easy to spread.
F. i.e.. made with:
Blandede røde Habanero + Aji Chombo + Trinidad Scorpion Morouga Blend
…og her lidt hots + superhots