Fruit / berry crumble with chili

English here: Fruit / berry crumble with chili

The classic crumble in a new version, discreetly flavored with vanilla and chili – and made with sweet dates, if you like. How discreet the seasoning is, will be up to you – I think it depends on what fruits / berries are used how much it can take.

Crumble med chili - ready-to-serve

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Homemade marzipan with coffee (will be translated upon request), blackcurrant and chili – filled chocolates


Dark chocolate shells

250 gr mandler

3 – 4 bittermandler eller abrikoskerner

2 spsk honning eller mere

3 – 4 spsk Creme de Cassis eller anden solbærlikør

2 tsk pulverkaffe

1 tsk engelsk lakridspulver

½ – 1 tsp chili powder

god, strong, homemade blackcurrant jam – like flavored with rum


How to:

Prepare shells – see . little about chocolate.

Mandlerne hakkes – med skind – i en foodprocessor indtil de har en konsistens som meget groft mel – prøv dig frem hvilken konsistens du bedst kan lide. I think that this marzipan must be more coarse than the regular store bought marzipan.

Add honey, chili, licorice powder, Creme de Cassis og pulverkaffe og kør til massen er let sammenhængende – endelig ikke for længe. The mixture should be slightly sticky, måske skal der lidt mere vædske i – kommer an på hvor fint du malede mandlerne og hvor store skefulde honning der kom i.

Stir a little rum in solbærmarmeladen if not already.

Fill blackcurrant jam in the bottom of the shells

Add a bit of marzipan mass upstairs solbærmarmeladen – make sure there is room to cast off with chocolate.

Close off with melted chocolate, decoration CE. with whatever you find on.

It can be a little difficult to close them if the filling is very wet. Please start by pouring the chocolate around the edges when you close and then fill up to the middle – then it goes a little easier.

Red berries- or blackcurrant pie without using the oven (will be translated upon request)

The original recipe is from a very old set of 'madkort’ from Living Better. Along the way it has been adjusted and is now the house's favorite way to use currants on. It is also delicious with blackcurrant – and probably other sour berries. It is something more fresh in taste (and lighter in texture) end en traditionel cheesecake – and berries in the used throughout and fresh. Du kan nu også sagtens bruge frosne med held.

På billedet er kagen tilberedt med halvt ribs halvt solbær, serveret med min egen bærsirup med chili og rysteribs/solbær.

Solbær og ribstærte - klar til servering med sauce og rystebær


50 gr blødt smør + lidt til formen

150 g coarse grained bisquits of a kind

50 gr grofthakkede valnøddekerner

500 – 700 gr ribs (jeg bruger ca 700 gr)

200 gr flødeost (i.e. Philadelphia)

2 dl cream 38%

2 dl creme fraiche 18%

2 egg yolks

2 egg whites

100 g raw cane sugar

1 tsk vanillapulver eller 3-4 tsk vanillasukker

7 blade husblas


To garnish / topping:

maybe some. rysteribs af ribs og eller solbær, cane sugar (and like licorice powder) which stirred together and made cold – tube slightly regularly until sugar is dissolved

or ribsecoulis of blended red currants and icing sugar

or lakridssirup

or bærsirup med chili

How to:

Rib ribs to Kagen, so they are ready.

Crush the biscuits as coarse or fine as you like them and mix them with walnuts and melted butter.

Press mixture into bottom of a greased springform pan – a little bit up the edge – just 1/2 cm. You can use. back of a spoon.

Let it set in the refrigerator for ½ hour.

Soak gelatin sheets in cold water for 8 – 10 minutes.

Stir cheese, cream and sour cream together well to a smooth paste. Stir in the egg yolks and then sugar and vanilla. Stir – but shall not be whipped.

Remove the gelatin from the water and melt it over low heat with the water that clings to it.

Stir gelatin in the mix in a thin stream.

Beat egg whites until very stiff and fold them into the mass. Then turn ribsene and pour it all into the springform tin.

Style cake in the fridge for a few hours and the server directly from refrigerated bærsirup med chili, (licorice)red currants, ribscoulis or licorice syrup – or whatever you think.


Her i en version med både solbær og ribs (lige dele af hver) – serveret med min egen bærsirup med chili og rystesolbær/ribs

Solbær og ribstærte - ready-to-serve Solbær og ribstærte - klar til servering med sauce Solbær og ribstærte - klar til servering med sauce og rystebær


Dragon Blood (will be translated upon request) – chili sauce with blackcurrants

Chili sauce here has lots of flavor in itself – before arriving in chili – as it can form the basis for all strengths. Here we make it hot ;o)

The different ingredients each contribute – but no one dominates (in addition, of course, the chili). Solbær'en can be tasted / smelled – but it is not the first thing you think of.

Saucen bliver let tyktflydende af sig selv og den smager henad en hot brown sauce/worcestershire.


ca 1 kg solbær – fresh (or frozen Opto) – juice can probably also be used

½ liter of soy – Kikkomann is excellent for this

½ liter æblecidereedike

1 helt hvidløg

fresh chili to taste – like strong

a large piece of ginger or two

4 top spsk muscovado/molasse/brun farin (possibly more)

2 top spsk salt

possibly. Sodium benzoate

How to:

Rinse and nip berries. Put them in a pan with soy sauce and vinegar. Bring det i kog og lad det simre under låg i 20 minutter.

Imens renses chilierne og hakkes medium fint.

Ginger cut into thin slices – it should not be peeled off first.

The garlic peeled and coarsely chopped.

Når bærrene har simret 20 minutter hældes hvidløg, chili and ginger in, og det hele simrer 10 – 15 minutter mere.

Take it off the heat and let it cool slightly. Then blend in blender or food processor and filreres through a strainer. Blend like several rounds. Stir a little of the pulp in the strainer with a spatula or spoon to get the thick juice to run through.

The pulp is thrown out.

The juice / sauce poured back into the pot, sugar and salt are added and stirred up. It simmers for a few minutes and season if necessary. for more sugar. It depends on the berries which sourly it has been. Gryden tages af varmen.

Atamon added as is written on the bottle and the sauce poured on small clean, scalded atamonskyllede bottles.

Used in soups, saucer, the pastaretten, stir-fried Steak and on and on all permitted on the grill. However, may be reconstituted in a little oil or other prior to use as a marinade. Eminent to simmer dishes with meat and like tomato.

Blackcurrant Rene may be wholly or partially replaced by blueberries and / or blackberries.

Dragon Blood (will be translated upon request) - bottle Dragon Blood (will be translated upon request) - ppå et stykke pizza

Første portion lavet med 1 Bhut Jolokia x Douglah kryds (not fully mature) og ca 15 modne Gule Naga. It was a delicious taste and good chili power.
Siden er den lavet med lidt godt og blandet af røde chilier og hjemmelavet chilipulver.