I eeeeelsker Devils on Horseback – which of course can be made in a variety of flavors.
My favorite is with dates, roquefort, dijon and s'fø'li bacon.
And then shall chili in: Chilidevils on Horseback (will be translated upon request).
Store dried dates (like the delicious Medjools – available at well-stocked greengrocers)
Blue cheese – stilton, roquefort eller danablue
maybe some. suffered dijon mustard
Nice, smoked bacon
How to:
Cut a slit in the side of dadlerne and destone them.
Hak chilien – or use small whole where you put one in each blame. I have here chopped Aji little rough and Naga little fine – and also put a half Naga in some of them.
Stir cheese, dijon and chili together and fill in dadlerne. They must be (almost) Whither lukkes.
Cut bacon in half thinly sliced (or get to the butcher) – like longitudinally.
Wrap the bacon on dadlerne and replace if necessary. fixed with a toothpick.
Grilles at not too high heat on the barbecue or put on cookie sheet and bake in oven for bacon'en is crisp. Jeg bager dem ved 200 – 225 grader – repeat if necessary. underway.
If they are on the grill, it is a good idea to close dadlerne completely and cover them completely in bacon, so the cheese does not melt ud.
It's hard to fill them so nothing runs out, men der skal nok være rigeligt tilbage indeni til at give den gode smag.
Serve as a snack or accessories.
Super Delicious for a cool glass, as appetizer or brunch- or Tapas table.