Words included in chili names
to Heart | heart-shaped |
Charm | chili |
Alajuela | the second largest city in Costa Rica |
Shape | formede on ungarnsk |
Soul | æble on ungarnsk |
Alotenango | a "municipal’ in the area of Sacatepéquez in Guatemala. Alotenango betyder ‘in the wall of the parrots’. Municipality inhabited primarily by Mayans |
Yellow | gul |
Antalya | to and Tyrkiet |
Aribib | should i Bolivia. Also, a word that describes a provocative, hyper og støjende person. |
Soft | mild |
Bode Yellow | yellow goat in Gaelic. |
Bag | bag |
Sweet Exchange | poses in Lille (bag) with sweet |
Brazilian Hornet | Brazilian wasp |
Cacho de Cabra | gedehorn |
Cachucha | bell-shaped |
Cherry | cherry in Spanish |
Chilaca | gray hair, old (Pay Nahuatl acatl) |
Chilhuacle | gamle chili (på Nahuatl – Aztekernes sprog) |
Cochabamba | should i Bolivia. Nestled in a valley of the same name in the Andes. |
Comoyagua | city in Honduras. Former capital. |
De Arbol | tree-like |
Dong Xuan Market | the oldest and largest market in Vietnam – in the city of Hanoi. |
Sweet | sweet |
Pickle | marinate / pickle in Spanish |
Tasty | tasteful |
Japan | Japanese to Spanish |
Northern | northern |
Tomatoes | æble on ungarnsk |
Pasilla | suspense rosin. Is also a common name for various dried, relaterede pounds af sorten Chilaca. |
Piura | region in northern Peru, whose capital is also called Piura |
Punta Yellow | Spids gul |
Sargans | yolk on ungarnsk |
Sanctioned | live in chicks |
If you would like to add something, please don't hesitate to write a comment. Preferably the source is acknowledged.
Fin liste, bliv endelig ved med at lave den 🙂
Tak skal du ha’ Lars 🙂
Må indrømme at jeg da har forsømt den et stykke tid, men det vil jeg da lige tage at gøre noget ved 😉
Cochabamba ligger i Bolivia og ikke i Peru.
Det gør den da også.
Tak for det.