Valnødde-chokolade-cookies med et nip chili

Cookies med lidt ekstra af det hele, så hver bid er fyldt med smag. Brug lidt chili for at give et hint af varme – du må eksperimentere dig frem til hvad der lige præcis er nok for dig. Jeg synes at den bare skal anes i dem her.


300 gr grofthakkede valnødder

300 gr hakket, dark chocolate (eller dråber)

275 gr hvedemel

150 gr hvidt sukker

150 gr brun farin

1 toptsk bagepulver

1 toptsk natron

1 toptsk vanillapulver – not vanilla sugar

1 toptsk fint salt

A little chili powder


1½ dl neutral olie

½ dl of water

2 spsk æblecidereddike


How to: 

Rør de tørre ingredienser sammen i en stor skål.

Rør de våde ingredienser sammen i en lille skål.

Sæt ovnen på 180 grader varmluft.

Rør nu alle ingredienserne sammen i den store skål. Det bliver en meget tyk dej som ikke hænger vanvittigt godt sammen.

Læg bagepapir på to bageplader.

Form 18 kugler/klumper  af dejen og læg på bagepladerne – fordel med god afstand imellem dem – 9 på hver plade.

Bages i ca 14 – 16 minutter midt i ovnen, indtil de er gyldne og sprøde på overfladen. (I min ovn er det 16 minutter).

Lad dem køle helt – først lidt på pladen (10 minutters tid) og så på en rist, inden du spiser dem.



Hvis du ikke kan finde vanillapulver (sælges bl.a. hos Vanillamart, Mill & Mortar, Urtekram og hos Rawfoodshop ) – så kan du evt. bruge vanillaessens i stedet. Hæld det i givet fald i den flydende del af opskriften, inden du blander det hele.

Hvis du har lyst, kan du også eksperimentere med at tilsætte andre krydderier, i.e.: instant coffee, cinnamon, pumpkin spice mix m.m. 

Swarma – shawarma chili

Jeg har lavet denne husets shawarma blend ud fra tre betragtninger. 1: Der er generelt for lidt krydderi i de andre som jeg har prøvet. 2: Den skal kunne holde sig længe. 3: Jeg ville også have en som ikke flyder i olie. Hvis du skal bruge den mere flydende, you may. komme mere olie eller vand i ved enten tilberedningen eller serveringen, for at ramme det du bedst kan lide.


Chili to taste

½ l. oil

Ca 500 gr soltørrede tomater 

Ca 400 gr koncentreret tomatpuré

Ca 400 gr tomatpassata

2 dl æblecidereddike

60 gr salt

125 gr sukker

35 gr stødt kanel

125 gr hvidløgsgranulat

60 gr stødt spidskommen

35 gr løgpulver

Ca 8 dl vand

Evt Atamon

How to:

Skold og Atamonskyl en håndfuld glas og deres låg.

Blend de soltørrede tomater i foodprocessor med lidt af olien eller eddiken (sådan at den kan tygge sig igennem det). Blend det til en mellemfin/grov masse – ikke helt flydende. Hæld massen i din gryde.

Blend nogle chilier i foodprocessoren, fyld dem i gryden, men lad foodprocessoren stå på bordet, til du ved om du skal have flere i.

Hæld alt (except Sodium benzoat) i gryden og bring det stille og roligt til at simre – lettest under låg, men med jævnlig omrøring. For instance. lidt ekstra vand i, hvis du vil have konsistensen tyndere. Massen skal være tykkere end en chilisauce, men man skal også være lind nok til at man lige kan røre i den.

Simrer 10 minutter. Smag til og kom evt mere chili i. Hvis du har brugt mere chili, så lad det simre 2-3 minutter igen. Gentag processen med tilsmagning og simring 2-3 minutter, indtil du er tilfreds med smagen.

Hvis du vil bruge Atamon, så tag gryden af varmen og tilsæt det efter anvisningen på flasken.

Syltede grønne cherrytomater med chili

Ærgrer du dig også over at stå med en stor bunke umodne cherrytomater ved sæsonens afslutning? Dem skal du da sylte.
Selv har jeg afholdt mig fra det gennem mange år, da jeg tydeligt husker mine egne forsøg med at sylte grønne tomater for maaaaange år siden – adw, de var ikke særligt gode. Men en servering af de nyklassiske syltede grønne tomater med valilla ændrede mit syn på den ting, så nu har jeg selv eksperimenteret.
Rundt om på nettet kan du finde opskriften på den jeg nævner og de er generelt rigtig gode – jeg vil bare gerne have nogen med lidt mere fut i – så hermed min opskrift, som jeg håber giver dig lyst til at forsøge dig.


  • 3 kg. umodne cherrytomater
  • 1l. lagereddike
  • 1 kg hvidt sukker eller rørsukker
  • 4 toptsk fint salt
  • 2 toptsk knust peber
  • 2 toptsk vanillapulver
  • 1 toptsk stødt kanel
  • 1 toptsk stødt kardemomme
  • 1 toptsk stødt allehånde
  • 2 – 3 tsk chilipulver eller mere efter smag og styrke – alternativt brug frisk chili finthakket eller i små ringe
  • Atamon 3 tsk til lagen og 1 tsk til at skylle glassene med

 How to

Tomaterne renses – dvs. fjern blomsten og vask dem i koldt vand. Halver dem derefter.

Bland peber og resten af krydderierne i en lille skål.

Kog eddike, sukker og salt indtil sukkeret er opløst.

Skold imens et par sylteglas som passer til portionen og ryst dem derefter med 1 spsk kogt vand tilsat 1 tsk atamon.

Hæld tomaterne i gryden og lad dem småsimre i ca.5 minutter.

Remove from the heat, lad den stå 2-3 minutter og tilsæt så 3 tsk atamon som røres godt rundt i blandingen.

Fyld tomaterne i glasset med en hulske – glassene skal ca fyldes ¾ op.

Fordel krydderiblandingen over tomaterne og top op med lagen – den skal helt til kanten.

Luk glassene – skru lågene godt fast og vend hvert glas på hovedet og tilbage igen.

Lad dem trække et par dage inden du tager hul på de første.

Kan opbevares ved stuetemperatur pga. atamonen, men skal på køl efter åbning.


Du skal selvfølgelig bruge lige præcis de krydderier som du synes, men lad nu være med at spare på dem. Tomaterne her kan godt klare en del.
Hvis du gerne vil have dem lidt pænere – de stødte krydderier her kan godt give et lidt ‘mudret’ look – så kan du i stedet bruge hele krydderier og evt. klar eddike. If you do, så har de godt af at trække 14 dages tid før du smager på dem.

Fooled Pork

For some time I have been playing around with seitan (see more under 'tips') and now I am satisfied with a variety of recipes that is spicy and to our taste. I will share some of them with you in this and the next posts. The particularly interesting thing about seitan production is that you can spice it completely as you like, and thus have a product which is not only seasoned on the outside.

Fooled Pork - burger klar til servering


4 – 6 dl wheat gluten

1 dl chickpea flour/besan/gram flour

1½ dl nutritional yeast flakes

4 tbsp smoked paprika

4 tbsp onion powder

2 tbsp garlic powder

1 tbsp fine salt

chili to taste

maybe some. barbecue spice or mex seasoning


6 dl water

8 topped tbsp tahin

4 tbsp soy sauce

1 tbsp liquid smoke


A sweet / strong barbecue sauce


How to:

Place a large pot of water with a little salt on the stove and bring to the boil while you prepare the rest.

Combine all the dry ingredients in a bowl.

Mix all the wet ingredients - except barbecue sauce - in a bowl. Be sure that the tahin is well stirred in. It's easiest if you start to press it into the liquid with the back of a spoon.

Stir the wet ingredients into the dry mix until it forms a homogeneous mass - the mass is poured onto the table, and kneaded and now you add more gluten flour if necessary. The consistency should be like a well kneaded bread dough. Now you form a bread.

When the water boils, drop the 'bread' in and turn the heat down immediately, so that the water is just simmering. Put a lid on and let it simmer gently for 60 minutes.

Take it out of the water and let it drip dry - let it be allowed to cool slightly or completely before the next step.

The next step is to 'pull' the seitan to pieces with either Pulled Pork Bear Claws, a pair of forks or simply using your fingers.

Put all the pieces in a pan with a little oil - or use the grill and a tray to roast them in. They may of course also be grilled in the oven.

They must be fried / grilled until there has evaporated some fluid and the surface begins to be chewy and toasted.

Now add barbecue sauce and fry / grill for a bit longer so that yhe sauce sets as a delicious, sticky layer.

You can smoke the 'meat' as you grill when BBQing outdoors.


If you do not eat meat in general or maybe just want to cut down on the amount , but want to try something that can be used in the same way, seitan is a fun thing to play with. Seitan has many other names also: wheat meat, wheat gluten, artificial meat, 'Mock Duck’ etc.. Common to them all is that they are made of the gluten part of wheat flour are kneaded together with a variety of condiments/spices and prepared – often in two steps – and then have a texture that resembles meat. You can get gluten either by 'washing’ a wheat dough or by buying finished gluten flour. I use the last model. The consistency can be adjusted both by changing the amount of liquid and by the way you prepare it – but basically the structure is in the style of tender chops and sausages. Later, we look at how to make more firm products.

It is important that the dry ingredients are mixed with each other on theit own and the same goes for the wet ones - before the two are mixed together. The 'dough' forms quickly and it can be difficult to distribute the ingredients, if they are not well mixed as described, before dry and wet are mixed together.

You can freeze your Fooled Pork, both as a whole piece, when it has been pulled to small pieces or when it is completely finished, and grilled / toasted.

The different brands of gluten-flour behaves a little bit differently and there may be a difference in how much you need of the flour in the recipes. I denne skal du starte med 4 dl og så tilsætte mere under æltningen indtil konsistensen er rigtig.

If you find this portion too large – or maybe you just would like to try a smaller batch the first time – then you can halve it and then it only needs to simmer for 40 minutes.

If you fry it and use oil, try adding a little of the oil in the form of toasted sesame oil - it adds a delicious taste.

If you own a Multi Fry you can easily do the frying in it – use only bottom heat and level 4 (the highest) with the lid open.

Fooled Pork - Ingredients Fooled Pork - de tørre ingredienser målt op Fooled Pork - de tørre ingredienser blandet Fooled Pork - de våde ingredienser blandet Fooled Pork - dejen røres sammen Fooled Pork - dejen er æltet godt og formet til et brød Fooled Pork - dejen er lige kommet i vandet Fooled Pork - dejen er lige færdig og vandet hældt fra Fooled Pork - her har den kølet en håndfuld timer på køkkenbordet og overfladen er tørret ud Fooled Pork - nu skal der trækkes i småstykker Fooled Pork - sådan ser stykkerne ud Fooled Pork - stykkerne er stegt i en smule olie Fooled Pork - der tilsættes barbecuesauce Fooled Pork - der er stegt videre et par miutter med saucen Fooled Pork - burger klar til servering Fooled Pork - burger med Fooled Pårk samt slaw og hummus

Light mayo without eggs

A delicious mayo which is somewhat less fat than the regular – and which of course can be seasoned to taste exactly as you like.

Light mayo without eggs


1 package silken tofu (300 gr)

2 dl oil – neutral or with a taste that you like in mayo, i.e.. rapsolie m. smørsmag

1 tablespoon nutritional yeast flakes (Optional)

3 tbsp applecider vinegar

2 toptsk dijon sennep

2 tsp of vegan bouillon powder (Optional) – i.e.. Uhhmami vegetable

½ tsp salt – like Kala Namak / black himalayan salt

Maybe a little spice to taste. Some use a small pinch of curry in the basic mayo.

How to:

Kom alle ingredienser i foodprocessoren og kør til de er blandet helt og silketofuen er cremet og ensartet.

Season to taste – maybe you would like a little more salt, vinegar or mustard?

Now you can use your mayo as it is – or adding various flavors if you like. For instance. split into portions and try some different sesonings.

Some of our favorites are:

  • chili – fresh or dried
  • chipotle – either powder or canned
  • garlic
  • smoked paprika
  • finely zested lemon peel (Replace like the applecider vinegar with lemon juice)
  • various herbs, eg. rams, chives, coriander, dill
  • karry

When the mayo has been refrigerated a while it will set a little due to. the silken tofu.

We use the mayo everywhere we would otherwise have used an egg-based mayo, but also where we previously would use butter on bread – not with sweets, there we use different nut butters – but e.g.. as a spread under simple delicious veggies as cucumber, tomato or potato, and drizzled well with chopped herbs – yummm. Good for sandwiches and bread where you use fried tofu or vegan/vegetarian meatballs, mushrooms or seitan'meat '.

Season to taste with additional apple cider vinegar or vinegar powder, some sugar, a little salt and maybe. celeriac seeds and use it for coleslaw.

Light mayo without eggs - Ingredients Light mayo without eggs - klar til blanding Light mayo without eggs - finished Light mayo without eggs Light mayo without eggs - brugt i coleslaw

Crisp and spicy waffles

So I joined the waffle wave and has played around in the kitchen. The waffles can be varied infinitely – there are some suggestions to variations at the bottom of the page. They can be made as savory and salty – or as sweet waffles for dessert or breakfast – though we eat the spicy for breakfast as well. There can be put a lot of vegetables or fruit in the dough – or you can make them quite simple and run wild in the toppings. They can be used in place of bread in a sandwich, alone as a kind of chips or crackers – or in a classic way topped with something delicious spicy and / or sweet.

Vafler med chili og andre krydderier

Basic Ingredients:

2 dl chickpea/gram flour

2 dl wheat flour (can easily be replaced by another kind of flour)

2 topped teaspoons baking powder

1 teaspoon salt

spices eg. chili to taste, 1 tablespoon mixed spice like barbecue / curry / garam masala etc., herbs, black onion seeds, coriander, sumak, granulated garlic, fennel, vanilla, cardamom, grated lemon- or orange peel – go wild

ca 4 – 5 dl water or plantbased milk

perhaps a little oil

How to:

Mix the dry ingredients in a bowl and whisk in water or plant milk until the mixture is slightly viscous. As a slightly thick pancake batter if you know that consisyency.

Let the batter rest uncovered on the kitchen table for half an hour.

Turn on your waffle iron and bake the waffles. In my waffle iron they must bake 5-6 minutes a piece, but it really depends on how thick wafles your iron makes and how hot it gets – try a few so you know it. In my waffle iron the basic portion here yields about. 12 waffles. Let the baked waffles cool on a wire rack while you bake the rest.

Serve immediately.

The waffles can be frozen and heated in the oven before serving.


If you want to make sweet waffles, you can add about 2 tbsp coconut sugar or other sweetening to the batter. I like to add a little salt also when making sweet waffles – but it's up to you.

Try to add a few dl finely chopped vegetables – it tastes super nice. They can be raw or cooked. Chopped olives and sundried tomatoes also works excellent.

You can also add fruit in the same way and you can use oatmeal and / or desiccated coconut instead of some of the flour. On the whole, you can use different types of flour depending on what you fancy. For example, try. making waffles with coconut milk, banana and maybe toasted dessicated coconut in the batter.

My waffle iron can easily make waffles without fat without them sticking. If yours can't, you can add ½-1 dl oil to the batter or use an oil spray on the waffle plates before each portion.

I'll take pictures and come up with some ideas here below as we will be making some different kinds.

Vafler - Ingredients Vafler - tørre ting i skålen Vafler - tørre ting blandet Vafler - dejen er færdig Vafler - køler af på rist Vafler med chili og andre krydderier

Below are photos of waffles made with 1 topped tablespoon of mex spice blend and chili in the batter. Topping in the first picture is black bean hummus with red pepper and soft, fried onions. In the other picture is toasted pumpkin, chipotle and silk tofu cream with cress and ancho flakes.

Vafler - sort bønnehummus, rød perber og bløde stegte løg Vafler - bagt græskar, chipotle og silketofu creme og karse

Good morning to the blog – many new recipes on the way

The blog has slept for a while – but we are now awake and ready again.

A lot has happened with the food in our home in the elapsed time – and it will be reflected in the new recipes.

Lately, we have gone over to live 100% plant based and in general somewhat healthier – more whole grains, less sugar and lots of exciting new ingredients.

100% plant-based – is it not vegan? – as a matter of fact, it is – but so it is if you live of beer, French fries and ketchup – and that is not where we are.

After each having a bad period regarding our health the year before last year, we tried for a period to eat more and more veggies, some fruit and plenty of whole grains and we cut down on sugar, alcohol and saturated fat – and we got better and better – much better than before the period when we were not on top of things. We agreed that we would eat a little meat, fish and dairy products occasionally if we wanted to – and so it was for some time – but to our surprise the cravings dissapeared completely within about half a year. Therefore, we are now relatively healthy and 100% plant based and feeling crazy good and we get to eat a lot of exciting food. It is wonderful.

Many of the recipes on the blog – among other things,. Chili sauces and everything pickled – is quite OK for our new way of eating – so there will be many more of those in the future, but we have also learned to make many interesting new things, that we had not thought of before.

I hope very much that you want to continue to follow the blog and maybe try out some of the new stuff. Even if you do not want to live without meat and dairy products, one can easily combine the two kinds of food – and who knows, maybe I can help to provide some inspiration in order to cut down on the consumption of meat and dairy products – many have started to keep a meat-free day once or several times a week – why not make them completely free of 'animals’ and maybe at the same time try something brand new.

Finally, a few links if you want to read a little more about plant foods – first a site with info and short videos:

and then some recipes – lots of inspiration:

Banana cake with chili and thick caramel topping

A delicious, spongy banana cake with chili and thick, lightly salted, chilli caramel flavored topping. It tastes great both freshly baked and after being cooled down in the refrigerator and can easily be varied with different toppings and / or spices, nuts etc..

Banana cake with chili and thick caramel topping - et godt stykke

Ingredients – the cake:

300 g. good quallity wheat flour (Ø) or for example. chickpea flour if you do not eat wheat

60 gr Sukrin+ (sweetener made from erythritol and stevia – the amount here is equivalent to 120 gr sugar)

2 tsp. baking soda w. small top

2 tsp. baking soda w. small top

1 tsp. salt w. small top

1 tsp. vanilla powder w. small top

1 tsp. cinnamon w. small top

A little chili powder or freshly chopped chili to taste

100 gr. coconut oil

6-7 large or 8-10 small well ripe bananas

2 tablespoons. lemon juice or apple cider vinegar (activates the baking soda)

Caramel Topping:

500 gr of dates

1 dl water (use soak water from the dates, hvs possible)

200 gr smooth peanutbutter

1 teaspoon salt

chili to taste, fresh or powder

50 g coconut oil

1 dl maple syrup

1 tsp vanilla powder

How to – cake:

Turn on the oven at 175 degrees celsius.

Line a form of approximately 25 x 35 cm with baking paper.

Mix flour, Sukrin , baking powder and -soda, salt and spices in a large bowl.

Melt coconut oil at very low heat .

Mash the bananas thoroughly – easily done e.g.. with a fork on a cutting board – or use the food processor. They must be almost liquid, since they are the only, along with coconut oil and the little bit of acid which is' liquid’ in the recipe. Put them in the bowl with melted coconut oil and vinegar or lemon juice.

Stir the batter well.

Fill the cake batter into the form and smooth out the surface. Bake approximately 45 minutes.

Remove cake from oven, place it on a wire rack and let it cool completely.

This portion yields about 12 large pieces or 20 smaller.

How to – caramel topping:

Melt the coconut oil over low heat.

If the dates are quite soft, skal de udblødes mindst 1 time i varmt vand, Pour boiling water over so they are covered and leave them on the kitchen table. Then pour water from – gem 1 dl til næste skridt ( the rest can possibly used in a smoothie or other).

First blend the the dates in the food processor while slowly adding water.

Add remaining ingredients and blend until the texture is smooth and a like a very thick caramel sauce.

Fordel karameltopppingen over den afkølede kage.

Can be eaten immediately or after setting in the refrigerator for a while, the caramel toppping will firm up a bit in the fridge.

Store the cake refrigerated.


Try . to spice the cake with a little nutmeg or mace – that suits the banana taste really well.

You can also replace wheat flour with gluten free flour or ex. defatted coconut or almond flour.

Try adding a little dried berries – i.e.. cranberries, cherries or blueberries. Fresh can also be used, of course, – but it makes the cake a little more wet.

Instead of caramel topping you can use e.g.. the chocolate topping here: Chocolate Topping

If you use chocolate topping it may be nice to add whole or coarsely chopped nuts in the cake batter. It may be e.g.. walnuts, pecans, hazelnuts, pistachios, almonds, etc..

Banana cake with chili and thick caramel topping - Ingredients Banana cake with chili and thick caramel topping - de tørre ingredienser Banana cake with chili and thick caramel topping - mos bananerne med en gaffel Banana cake with chili and thick caramel topping - dejen er blandet Banana cake with chili and thick caramel topping - klar til en tur i ovnen Banana cake with chili and thick caramel topping - færdigbagt

Caramel Topping:

Caramel Topping - Ingredients Caramel Topping - blendet og klar Caramel Topping - på kagen Banana cake with chili and thick caramel topping - der må smages Banana cake with chili and thick caramel topping - et godt stykke Banana cake with chili and thick caramel topping - med ekstra topping

Cake with chocolate topping after this recipe: Chocolate Topping

med chokoladetopping - 1 med chokoladetopping - 2 med chokoladetopping - 3 med chokoladetopping - 4 med chokoladetopping - 5

Chocolate-praline cake with chili

Spongy, praline-like, super delicious chocolate cake. Eaten in small servings, for example as. dessert – perhaps with a scoop of good vanilla icecream and fresh fruit or berries – or with cup of strong coffee anytime. The sweet potatoes – which in reality isn't potatoes at all – helps by adding sweetness and make the cake spongy and pralinelike, and makes sure it contains somewhat less calories than it tastes like. Cold from the fridge is like firm praline in the middle, warm is it like a real spongy chocolate'pudding'dessertcake.

Chocolate-praline cake with chili - serving

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