Chickpea balls with chili

English here: Chickpea balls with chili

Definitely just meant as a basic recipe – do playwith the ingredients. See also the 'Tips’ further down the page.

The mass before frying is also great as Jalapeñostuffing in halved, cored, stuffed Jalapeños, to be grilled on the outdoor grill or ovenbaked / grilled. They might be. brushed with chili sauce, Liquid Smoke or another good sauce before cooking or they can be sprinkled with a little cheese if desired.

Chickpea balls with chili

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Panaeng curry paste (will be translated upon request)

Also called Phanaeng and in some places panang or penang. Karrypastaen that started me up on the home melamine ware pastes. It is delicious, fresh in flavor and a bit milder than the perhaps more familiar gul, red and green karrypasta.

Smager især fantastisk i kokosbaserede retter synes jeg.


125 gr tørrede grønne jalapeno eller et par håndfulde friske (other chillies can obviously be used in the desired quantity)

4 spsk korianderfrø

8 spsk hakket løg eller skalotteløg

8 spsk hakket hvidløg

2 spsk hakket galangarod

2 spsk revet limeskal

4 spsk hakket citrongræs

2 spsk rejepasta

1 teaspoon salt


How to:

All knocked together in a mortar or run in a blender / food processor in.

Med friske chili kan pastaen opbevares mindst 2-3 uger på køl eller fryses i portioner (as. 2 top-spsk er passende pr. portion for two, I think – but a try). Jeg får 7 portioner ud af denne. They packed easily in small wrap packages and place in a freezer bag on which is written what is in.

Harissa (will be translated upon request)

Harissa is a native North African and chillies growing in North Africa would be an obvious choice – but any kind may of course be used. I Marokko, Algeria and Tunisia used Harissa like in soups, couscous, simreretter, pasta dishes etc.

A mild Harissa is great at some good bread, on a baked potato or a piece of grilled vegetables.

Personally I do not think that Harissa must be made with chinenser – but like the other species.

You can use dried chili, som udblødet 20 minutter i varmt vand inden brug.


Chili: i.e.. a handful of piri piri or two

2 spsk korianderfrø

2 spsk spidskommenfrø

1 spsk kommensfrø

2 tsk tørret mynte eller lidt frisk

1½ spsk salt – like salt flakes

About . ½ head of garlic

Saften af 1 citron

3 spsk ekstra jomfru olivenolie + ekstra til at fylde på til sidst

How to:

Coriander, spidskommen and commentary shaken look on a medium hot forehead for about. 4 minutter under konstant omrøring.

The roasted crushes spices in a mortar or shredded in spice grinder with mint until they are pulverized.

Blend all ingredients, at near the extra olie, to form a smooth mass.

Pour the mixture in a clean, sterilized glass and smoothed out. Pour olive oil over the mass for about. 1 cm lag.

Every time there is used by Harissa'en topped up with a little more oil to seal the mass with.

Opbevares på køl i ca 2-3 uger. Alternatively, any portion of frozen after production.

If you taste Harissa'en in the blender before pouring it on glass – and finds it too strong – you can blend a little pepper or sun-dried tomato in. Now you can do anyway just for flavor. I use økocitroner and often choose to use the finely grated must also. Variér selv løs ;o)

Green curry paste (will be translated upon request)

Curry pastes used in all kinds simmer dishes – both the easy fast and those who should be a little longer. They are also delicious in soups – or mixed in once fast fish cakes, beef buns and much more. They come in a lot of mixtures and in some of the classic, there is a strong convergence of ingredients, but the relative amount of different, giving different flavor profiles. Here my version of the green Thai curry.


1 spsk korianderfrø

2 tsk spidskommen

1 tsk sorte peberkorn

15 store, grofthakkede green chillies (evt 10 store og 5-10 små)

2 tsk rejepasta

6 røde asiatiske skalotteløg

5 cm galangarod – chopped

12 hvidløgsfed – chopped

100 gr frisk koriander: roots, stems and leaves – chopped

6 kaffir limeblade – chopped

3 stilke citrongræs – the white part minced

1 spsk ingefær, chopped

Revet skal og saft af 1 lime

2 tsp salt

2 spsk olie


How to:

Koriander og spidskommen ristes på en tør pande i 2-3 minutter ved jævn varme. Stir it constantly. It should scents light roasted and must of course be too dark.

Peppercorns and roasted crushes spices in mortar or ground in spice grinder.

Shrimp paste is chopped into a few pieces and fry lightly on the dry pan over low to medium heat – det tager 3 – 5 minutter. Turn around well underway.

Stood ingredient holders together in a mortar. Alternatively, blend the. Stop frequently and scraping the mass down the sides, so that it becomes well mixed.

Kan opbevares 2-3 uger på køl eller fryses i portioner (as. 1 top-spsk er passende pr. portion for two, I think – but a try). Jeg får 7 portioner ud af denne. They packed easily in small wrap packages and place in a freezer bag on which is written what is in.

Red curry paste (will be translated upon request)

Curry pastes used in all kinds simmer dishes – both the easy fast and those who should be a little longer. They are also delicious in soups – or mixed in once fast fish cakes, beef buns and much more. They come in a lot of mixtures and in some of the classic, there is a strong convergence of ingredients, but the relative amount of different, giving different flavor profiles. Here my version of the red Thai curry.


2 spsk korianderfrø

1 spsk hel spidskommen

1 tsk sorte peberkorn

10 – 15 store/blandede røde chili – (possibly. cored and) finely chopped

2 tsk rejepasta

2 stilke citrongræs, the white part finely chopped

4 fed hvidløg, finely chopped

5 cm frisk galanga, finely chopped

2 spsk sesamolie

2 spsk frisk koriander, chopped (you can use the cilantro: stem, leaf and root)

1 tsk gurkemeje

1 teaspoon salt


How to:

Koriander og spidskommen ristes på en tør pande i 2-3 minutter ved jævn varme. Stir it constantly. It should scents light roasted and must of course be too dark. Let it cool.

Peppercorns and roasted crushes spices in mortar or ground in spice grinder.

Stood ingredient holders together in a mortar. Alternatively, blend the. Stop frequently and scraping the mass down the sides, so that it becomes well mixed.

Kan opbevares 1-2 uger på køl eller fryses i portioner (as. 1 top-spsk er passende pr. portion for two, I think – but a try). Jeg får 7 portioner ud af denne. They packed easily in small wrap packages and place in a freezer bag on which is written what is in.

Red curry paste (will be translated upon request) - hokkaido og blomkålssuppe m.m.

Tomattapenade with chili and/or herbs (will be translated upon request)

A delicious dip for raw vegetables in haps size, freshly baked 'Turkish’ bread or flutes, toasted bread sticks or grissini. Good on 'tapas table’ and spread in bowls and sandwich. Delicious with eggs. Good to grill food on a piece of freshly grilled bread.

Smag is fresh, slightly acidic and yet toppakket with umami. Maybe more than one tomathummus tapenade – men bare smag den ;o)

You can choose to make a hot chili version without herbs (nemt winter with chili from the freezer) or turn it down a chili and well up the fresh herbs in a delicious summer version. In the picture there are lots of cilantro in.


A large glass sun-dried tomatoes in oil – or two smaller glass

3 spsk tahin

2 tsp salt

1 tsk rå rørsukker

Saft og fintrevet skal af 1 citron eller to lime

½ head of garlic – more or less aftertaste

Chillies to taste

A good olive oil

maybe some. lots of fresh herbs to taste – i.e.. basil in raw volumes, parsley, løvstikke, coriander osv.

maybe some. hiking to the consistency suits


How to:

All run together in the food processor until it becomes a homogeneous mass.

The oil from the tomatoes must – or you can fish them up and throw away their oil and instead use a good virgin olive oil.

Chili Lover can throw well with chili in this – tomato taste'll penetrate – and you have a delicious chilispread for spreading on bread, meat, boiled eggs m.m.

One can vary the kind in the infinite. In the winter when fresh herbs are usually not used for raw volumes one can experiment with other flavorings. It could be capers, anchovies, olive, parmegiano the. Doggy Style, the spring or can be made easier with a little fresh tomato, frosne Least OSV. Dried herbs and spices can also be used.

Hummus with lemon, coriander and chilli (will be translated upon request)

You can make hummus in so many ways and I think I love them all. We do include a variant where the taste of lemon, coriander and chilli emerge.

Delicious on a piece of freshly baked flat bread / spicy madbrød and as a dip for raw vegetables.


About . 700 – 800 gr kikærter – soaked and cooked (or canned if it should go fast)

2 – 3 spsk Tahin

1 stort bundt frisk koriander

1 spsk stødt koriander

2 tsk spidskommen

4 – 5 fed hvidløg

Chili to taste, fresh or granulated

1 – 2 øko-citroner, grated zest and juice

Extra jomfru olivenolie

ca 2 tsk flagesalt

How to:

It all runs in the food processor to a smooth paste. How fine / gov you want it is up to you.

Sweet chilli/pepper with coriander, chili- and meat filling (will be translated upon request)


8 – 10 store spidse peberfrugter – or a portion sized sweet chilies, such that when they are bisected fills the a large baking pan

ca 800 – 1000 gr økologisk hakket okse, ged, or lamb

2 store løg, chopped

4 æg

approximately ½ garlic, chopped

fresh chopped chilli, chili or hot chili sauce to taste

1½ topspsk stødt koriander

a great big bunch of fresh coriander, chopped

salt and peber


How to:

Rens og to-del peberfrugt/sød chili. Deseed them, but let the stem sit, so as not to cut a hole.

Mix remaining ingredients and fill in the halved fruit. Avg possibly. some fresh cilantro for garnish.

Bag dem i en forvarmet ovn ved 225 grader ca. 25 minutter – shorter time if it is less fruits.

Serve with ex. a large portion of green salad and sprinkle like a bit of fresh cilantro on by serving.


Variér selv fyldet ;o)

– Add ex. Feta

– Læg gedeost ovenpå de sidste 5 minutter af bagetiden – Drys, possibly. with sortløgsfrø

– Grate the peel of an eco-lime in

– Add the grated ginger

– Put small ærter in – or fresh sweet corn kernels or grated root

– Add the cumin and parsley instead of coriander


If they are made with chili instead of bell peppers can the cunningly used as snacks. Delicious with medium hot chili'skaller’ I would think.