Crisp and spicy waffles

So I joined the waffle wave and has played around in the kitchen. The waffles can be varied infinitely – there are some suggestions to variations at the bottom of the page. They can be made as savory and salty – or as sweet waffles for dessert or breakfast – though we eat the spicy for breakfast as well. There can be put a lot of vegetables or fruit in the dough – or you can make them quite simple and run wild in the toppings. They can be used in place of bread in a sandwich, alone as a kind of chips or crackers – or in a classic way topped with something delicious spicy and / or sweet.

Vafler med chili og andre krydderier

Basic Ingredients:

2 dl chickpea/gram flour

2 dl wheat flour (can easily be replaced by another kind of flour)

2 topped teaspoons baking powder

1 teaspoon salt

spices eg. chili to taste, 1 tablespoon mixed spice like barbecue / curry / garam masala etc., herbs, black onion seeds, coriander, sumak, granulated garlic, fennel, vanilla, cardamom, grated lemon- or orange peel – go wild

ca 4 – 5 dl water or plantbased milk

perhaps a little oil

How to:

Mix the dry ingredients in a bowl and whisk in water or plant milk until the mixture is slightly viscous. As a slightly thick pancake batter if you know that consisyency.

Let the batter rest uncovered on the kitchen table for half an hour.

Turn on your waffle iron and bake the waffles. In my waffle iron they must bake 5-6 minutes a piece, but it really depends on how thick wafles your iron makes and how hot it gets – try a few so you know it. In my waffle iron the basic portion here yields about. 12 waffles. Let the baked waffles cool on a wire rack while you bake the rest.

Serve immediately.

The waffles can be frozen and heated in the oven before serving.


If you want to make sweet waffles, you can add about 2 tbsp coconut sugar or other sweetening to the batter. I like to add a little salt also when making sweet waffles – but it's up to you.

Try to add a few dl finely chopped vegetables – it tastes super nice. They can be raw or cooked. Chopped olives and sundried tomatoes also works excellent.

You can also add fruit in the same way and you can use oatmeal and / or desiccated coconut instead of some of the flour. On the whole, you can use different types of flour depending on what you fancy. For example, try. making waffles with coconut milk, banana and maybe toasted dessicated coconut in the batter.

My waffle iron can easily make waffles without fat without them sticking. If yours can't, you can add ½-1 dl oil to the batter or use an oil spray on the waffle plates before each portion.

I'll take pictures and come up with some ideas here below as we will be making some different kinds.

Vafler - Ingredients Vafler - tørre ting i skålen Vafler - tørre ting blandet Vafler - dejen er færdig Vafler - køler af på rist Vafler med chili og andre krydderier

Below are photos of waffles made with 1 topped tablespoon of mex spice blend and chili in the batter. Topping in the first picture is black bean hummus with red pepper and soft, fried onions. In the other picture is toasted pumpkin, chipotle and silk tofu cream with cress and ancho flakes.

Vafler - sort bønnehummus, rød perber og bløde stegte løg Vafler - bagt græskar, chipotle og silketofu creme og karse

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2 thoughts on “Crisp and spicy waffles

  1. Så har jeg prøvet opskriften og det med at lave vaffel med pålæg. Hold da op, det var så godt. I morges med hytteost, radiser, basilikum og et ordentligt drys chilisalt. Resten af dejen lod jeg stå, så i eftermiddags kom jeg vaniljekorn og lidt sukker i resten og vi spiste søde vafler med Filurlig marmelade til. Har bare et problem, vi kan slet ikke spise den grill mad, der ellers var planlagt i aften, det bliver først i morgen 🙂 Tak for en skøn opskrift.
    K.H. Merete

    • Hejsa
      Fantastisk at I også er blevet bidt af dem – de kan altså noget helt særligt de der lækre sprøde vafler 🙂
      Vi har også brugt dem som ‘klap-sammen’ boller i Fooled Pårk sandwich forleden (det skriver jeg mere om om snart) – det er helt idéelt med den der crunchy overflade.
      Tror du ikke også at man lige skal lege lidt med chilivafler og hjemmelavet is her til sommer?
      Skriv endelig mere hvis du kommer på flere sjove fyld osv. – jeg er frisk på at få noget inspiration også 🙂

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