Links (will be translated upon request)

There are lots of great sites out there that deals with chili – or something that we can use for chilli cultivation, -madlavning, -byggeprojekter osv.

Below I will list some of them that I use most and like best. The list is certainly not complete and expanded.

Chili DK is a very charming and informative Danish Facebook group for everyone who loves chili or simply want to learn more about the chili. Here we are talking about culture, different chili varieties, food with chili and shows pictures of plants and fruits. Vi spørger hinanden til råds og viser gerne nye påfund vedrørende chili frem.

Our beautiful Facebook group about growing plants under LED grow light all year round. Here you can get tips on various kinds of LED grow light, tell or ask about what can be harvested legally under the light and we show pictures of our different set-up's and plants. – Seeds, plants and plant accessories

At Bjarne you can buy what you need from seed to an exciting season in both the garden and the greenhouse. He himself is bitten by a mad plant and are constantly stepping up its store and its physical area with several interesting products. Here you can always find a large, varied and constantly updated selection of seeds, and all Sighvat you need to plant, fertilize, store and haunt your plants. As something new, a little tuck.

Bjarne is chili enthusiast and you can also find lots of related products for chilli cultivation. Delivery is always prompt and postage is standard prices for packages, but only letter rate if you only ordering seeds.

Here are wildly very tuck for vegans and others who are interested in eating fewer animal products. Bl.a. they all cheeses Violife, the beautiful Cremisso spreads and seitan meal at a reasonable price. – Organic meat, etc..

A totally amazing place where animals have the best relationship. It is a working farm with its own shop. Lots of different cuts from several kinds of animals and other goodies on the shelves. Bl.a. Peter's Ice Cream, wine, colonial, milk and a delicious and mixed cheese selection – Total organic.

The quality is top notch – the meat is phenomenally well and there are no expensive middlemen, so the prices are quite reasonable.

Et must at besøge stedet og shoppe der. There is always pig ments in the fields beside and animal welfare is compelling. Lots of cuts in the freezer and on the website you can see the slaughter day, hvor der sælges fersk kød også. – spices m.m. online

Here you can buy most of the whole spices that I use in the recipes. The prices are really good – the only thing that you just have to be aware of is that there just are packed and sent items on Wednesdays. – Økoportal

Bl.a. list of all organic farm shops in Denmark. It is a pleasure to drive around the country and visit the small farm shops. Often, the owners themselves for the sale and would like to talk enthusiastically about their production, land, green and animals. A wonderful way to shop.

Der er meget meget mere på sitet – Look past….. – goats, goat cheese and seasonal vegetables

At Alida and Edward produce the most delicious organic goat cheese and own the milk of animals. If you have the opportunity to visit their small farm shop is worth buying good with tastings home. The quality is very top and the same is therefore naturally also smagen. – chilifrø

Here traded only with chilifrø. A huge selection with some mediocre descriptions – but those, you could also look for other places. Cheap prices and quick delivery. The seeds come in some small thin 'pockets’ which can not be resealed after use – then prepare to have to have something clear to move them in when you open them. see also. at Bjarne or Jakodan. – all seeds for garden and greenhouse

If there is something you will not find Bjarne, then beat a trip around Nicky's Nursery. Here there is also a nice selection of seeds in both ornamental and utility. Cheap postage and quick delivery.

Many exciting flavors of herbs, tomat og chili. / – all the best for the production of especially sweets

Great selection and go’ service. Here are a great many things to cook, dress and taste with – a great place. Spices and everything to pastry making. – birds feed on many, many kinds and other good

Lots of everything for birds feeding. Many types of fodder, fat , insects and other good. Food and drink vending machines, slightly to hedgehogs, bats and other garden creatures. Flower seeds for animal-friendly garden and small growing kits for fungi. A good balance of garden plants and attracting beneficial insects, also benefits the greenhouses where particular. aphids are effectively combated, If you have made sure the right plants to attract their natural enemies. – Rawfood ingredients and other good

A treasure trove of delights. If you would like to play with raw food kitchen is where an advantageous place to shop. – vanilla in many forms

Uhmm – many kinds of vanilla sticks, pastes and powders. The latter I use a part of in my recipes and the quality of vanilla mart is sovereign. – glass bottles for home production

Impressive fast delivery and good prices. Deals on 'bulk'køb on many things. – especially zipper bags to store seed

Many sizes bags and great prices. Newsletter where there are often good deals and sometimes free shipping. – smoke and spices etc..


12 thoughts on “Links (will be translated upon request)

  1. Hvordan og hvkr kan vi møde dig næste gang? Er lige igang med dit Ananas-tranebærsylt, som bare smager SÅ godt. Håber at se dig snart i her på Sjælland.

    De bedste hilsner

    • Hejsa
      Undskyld det sene svar – har haft ferie 🙂
      Jeg har lige opdateret siden med næste salg med de to næste datoer.
      Super skønt at høre at marmeladen falder i god smag – den er jeg også selv glad for.
      Håber at vi ses i september 🙂

  2. Hej.
    Virkelig inspirerende og flot hjemmeside!
    Vil høre til dine flasker du bruger til sød chilisauce – hvor er de købt og hvor mange ml indeholder de? Hvordan holder skruelåget til gentagne vask?

    Mvh Stine

    • Hejsa

      Tusind tak for de pæne ord 🙂

      Flaskerne er fra Glaeserundflashen som der er link til her på siden – og både flasker og låg er rigtig holdbare – jeg har mange som er blevet vasket en del gange, jeg ved dog ikke hvor mange – men rigtig go’ kvalitet. Man kan købe lågene separat – og de er meget billige.


  3. Hej vivi, jeg høre rygter om at du skulle have en ny side med dine opskrifter… Er dette den nyeste, eller har du et link hvis det ikke skulle være tilfældet… Mvh David…
    PS. Jeg er på jagt efter flere af dine chili sovser, jeg er helt vild med BOCalicius men ville gerne prøve at videre udvikle på den og gøre den stærkere…

    • Hejsa

      Denne side bliver ved med at være hvor jeg lægger mine egne opskrifter:

      ….men mon ikke folk tænker på siden hvor jeg lægger opskrifter op for andre (brugerne af Chili DK) – nemlig denne:

      BOCalicious har jeg valgt ikke at lægge opskriften ud på, så den er ikke tilgængelig. Super at du kan lide den – og jeg overvejer selv at lave den i to styrker fremadrettet, men du er faktisk den første som efterspørger det – men jeg gør det nu nok alligevel 😉

  4. Jeg har leget lidt med dit baggrundsbillede på siden, og har lavet et billede, som ikke laver de grimme streger, hvor billedet går igen. Hvis du har lyst, kan du downloade det fra min hjemmeside, og se om det er noget du vil bruge på din hjemmeside. Da jeg ikke ved om man kan putte et link i denne meddelelse har jeg lagt det som min hjemmeside.

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