French nougat with chili (will be translated upon request)

The recipe here is based on a derived from Copenhagen Madhus. I've modified it slightly.


120 gr sukker (white or raw cane sugar)
150 gr pasteuriserede æggehvider

Sugar Making:
240 gr vand
720 gr sukker (white or raw cane sugar)
420 gr glukose
420 gr honning

500 gr almonds
300 gr pistacienødder

300 – 400 gr blandet tørret frugt – i.e.. mulberries, cranberry and cherry

6 tsk chilipulver (med top) or fresh, minced chili aftertaste

sugar thermometer
silikonemåtte (like the ones you use for baking) or cookie sheet
flor sugar (or kartoffelmel / flor icing sugar mixture – half of each)

How to:

Mandler og pistacienødder ristes i ovnen ved 200 grader, they are easy to light brown – turn the like around them in the way.

Sugar Sheets set of, so that it boils at medium heat, indtil den opnår en temperatur på 145 grader (measured with a sugar thermometer).

Meanwhile sugar lagen Koger, piskes marengsen luftig og stiv. Du behøver ikke at piske marengs før sukker massen nærmer sig de 140 grader – så er der lige lidt tid til den rammer 145 og du kan sagtens nå at piske marengs.

The boiling syrup is poured into thin stream into the meringue, while whisking. Squeak and ca. 10 – 15 minutter, until the mass is chewy and slightly cooled. Make chili in the way.

Silikonemåtten, or a large piece of baking paper, sprinkled with a layer of icing sugar – like are few mm thick. This added nuts and fruit gently. Do not put them in the middle and push them around – then remove flormelisen. Place them neatly in handfuls, as powdered sugar layer stays where it is.

Pour nougat'en beyond and use silicone / baking paper to fold the mass in half – Open the paper and fold the other way – a few times for fruits and nuts are distributed. Sprinkle a little powdered sugar on overladen underway If there is no. Watch out especially out at the edges. If the mass sticks to the baking paper at this stage – it may be impossible to get to get rid (Mok mass onto a new sheet of greaseproof paper if it happens).

When you think that fruit and nuts are well distributed, then sprinkle a layer of icing sugar, put a layer of wax paper and roll immediately nougat out with rolling pin to the desired size. If nougat'en hangs over the baking paper in some places at this time, so just let it – this gets easier once it has cooled.

Let it cool completely on the kitchen table or in the fridge – like the day after, and cut into desired pieces. If the blade sticking to nougat'en, then dip it in hot water before cutting each cut.

Best stored in the fridge. Like in the entire sheet or larger pieces, where you saw only cuts it to be used every time.


It requires a large mixing machine or a very powerful electric mixer to make this portion. Even my 500W Dualit must have breaks along the way – so a large mixer is preferable.

The batch here is great, and it can obviously be halved, or how you now want to divide it down. White you make full portion, must be large bowls and pots in use. Jeg bruger 5 liters gryde til sukkermassen (the bubbles well up along the way) og 5 liters røreskål. Pots and pans are very sticky, so maybe it's a go’ idea to make a large portion. now when you still have to do the cleaning. It's not so hard to get by, as you might think, when faced with the sticky mass.


To coat the nougat'en with tempered chocolate – see . little about chocolate. Either a thick layer on top before you cut pieces, or each piece of which can be dipped in chocolate.

It is important to your silicone mat is of the type which can withstand high thermal (beregnet til at bage på og lave sukkerting på) – I would not do this on one of them which is merely intended to roll cold dough out on.

You can use all kind of nuts and seeds as you like with, or in place of, almonds and pistachios. E.g. hazelnuts, cashewnødder, pine nuts, paranødder osv. Are not you so glad dried fruit – so do it. Some choose to use colored cocktail cherries – it looks mighty fine.

When you have to have the mass of the dish, it is advantageous to dyppen a hard dejsraber in hot water and to use the – deep the CE. sometimes along the way.

Would you like to use your hands to shape and knead the mass, go easy if coated in a thin layer of neutral cooking oil first.

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28 thoughts on “French nougat with chili (will be translated upon request)

  1. Kan man komme på afvænning bagefter når man er blevet afhængig, for det er da helt fantastisk så lækre ting der er her. Troede ikke man kunne bruge chili til så meget . Anita

  2. Jeg har ikke skrevet noget til dig før, men jeg har fulgt med i dine meget lækre opskrifter. Desværre er jeg ikke nogen ørn til syltning og konfektlavning, men jeg spiser det meget gerne 😉

    • Hej Linda – velkommen til 🙂

      Jamen det er såmænd slet ikke så svært – start med noget af det lette, så kan du slet ikke lade være med at fortsætte.

  3. Hej Vivi,

    Øj, også en lækker ting der! men jeg “gemmer” vist lige opskriften til jeg har øvet mig med de lidt nemmere konfekter 🙂

    Mch Hans

    • Haha – du har ret – det er måske ikke en helt begynderkonfekt – men selv når det går ‘galt’ smager det godt 🙂

  4. God morgen Vivi
    Hvor ser det indbydende ud, mums lige til at spise (om et par timer)
    Ha en god dag….så er det snart weekend 🙂

    KH Conny

  5. Gad vide om ikke den kan laves uden nødder, så alle allergikerne også kan være med?
    Det bliver selvfølgelig noget andet, men jeg tror det kunne blive godt, det skal prøves!

    • Det kan det helt sikkert – og med en lækker blanding af forskellige tørrede frugt tror jeg at det vil være rigtig delikat. Jeg er helt pjattet med især morbærrene og kirsebærrene – men tilsæt lidt tørrede blåbær, tranebær og måske tørret ananas – så vil den blive rigtig spændende efter min mening 🙂

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