Chili Syrup can be used for many things in both sweet and savory cuisine.
It is delicious to pour on a piece of cake, a dessert, in salad dressing, as gastrik in the sauce / broth and marinade base for vegetables and meat. Vi bruger det også på tørret frugt inden tørringen.
Fruit Pieces which boil until tender in a little chilli syrup is super delicious as part of a dessert and possibly. rester af frugterne virker fint med havregrynene ;o)
It is so easy that it almost is not a recipe. I keep it in a clean bottle in the fridge. Durability I do not know – but I've even had it standing up to a few weeks (then it was used up).
Adjust the width by adjusting the sugar- or the amount of water. Thick syrup to be used immediately. Si like syrup if you want it without cuts in.
Chillies to taste (I typically use one habanero)
1 dl water
1 dl rå rørsukker (or other sugars)
How to:
Finthak chili on the cutting board.
Bring water and sugar to a boil along with the chili and let it possibly. cook a little in if you think. Remember that it becomes a bit more viscous when cooled.
Add perhaps. more chili are missing and allow it to simmer with at least two minutes.
Refrigerate and use within a short time.
Store in refrigerator.
Use also like other flavorings in. Grated peel of organic orange or lemon added just when the source of heat. Spices like ex. cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg and allspice are also a good match – the same applies vanilla (in raw volumes) and ground or fresh ginger.
If you want to make sure that the syrup does not krystaliserer when saved, you can replace approximately. 10% af sukkeret med glucose. I have not even been so unfortunate, but by others. En kok har for nyligt givet det gode råd med glucosen.
The syrup here is gentle and kind, but you can make them in the strength you want. Turn up the volume of chillies if you want it strong.
If you want to make a clean, strong syrup without fruit pieces in, then look under Fruit- og bærsirupper med chili (not translated yet) – there you can see the Tips how to make a concentrated hot chilli syrup.
Super. Tak skal du ha` Jeg Karameliserer det og kommer krydderier i til sidst 🙂
He he… Søg og du skal finde 🙂 Har længere tid tænkt at jeg måtte finde en opskrift på Gastrik, efter jeg fik et lille glas forærende. Nu vil jeg jo rigtig gerne have noget til at give julesovsen et ekstra pift, så jeg kigger lidt herinde OG ja, selvfølgelig har du et bud på det 😉 Jeg anede ikke det var så enkelt 🙂 Tror jeg laver noget med appelsin og lidt julekrydderier.
Super idé Merete – og det er jo ret hurtigt at lave 🙂
Og gastrik er nu også helt vildt let at lave – du kan se Claus Meyers her. Jeg tilsætter chili til næsten sidst (så det ikke bliver brændt):
Pingback: Dried pear rings with chilli syrup and rosemary (will be translated upon request) | Vivis pounds m.m.
Pingback: Dried apple rings with chilli syrup and lemon thyme (will be translated upon request) | Vivis pounds m.m.