Figs and cinnamon is a familiar mix, which I think comes beautifully displayed in interaction with a little port wine and chilli to give a little twist. Figensylt kan bruges som del af en dessert, estimates on ice; equally in the classic blue cheese combination. It also works super on a steak. I totally frivolous with the combination of figs and mushrooms to steak or increased – mums. On a piece of meat or cold in an egg sandwich decorates the flavor also tremendously. The soy sauce gives a slight edge salt, which plays beautifully with the caramelized notes. It tastes almost as if it is flavored with licorice.
1 kg tørrede figner
7½ dl portvin (1 flaske)
4 dl soya, i.e.. Kikkoman or one of the thicker from the Asian shops
1 kg rå rørsukker
25 gr hel kanel
chili to taste – fresh or dried
maybe some. Sodium benzoate
How to:
The stem is removed from the figs and cut in half or kvartes or cut into even smaller pieces, depending on what you think is appropriate. Do you older figs, så skær dem i ca 1 x 1 eller 1,5 x 1,5 cm stykker.
Getting the figs in a bowl with port wine and soy sauce – toss well around – and style dish covered and cool until the next day.
On the second day jabbed cinnamon into pieces in the mortar and then crushed to powder in spice grinder. Aim the.
Fig mass is poured into a pot and sugar added with chili and cinnamon. Heat mass and let it simmer about. 2 – 15 minutter indtil konsistensen er som sirup – it is very different how long it takes depending on the type of fig and soy type that is used. Season to taste along the way – is there enough of chili in it? cinnamon? – Otherwise season with a little more.
Remove from the heat and let stand a few minutes before adding Atamon if you use it.
Immediately pour into clean, scalded and optionally. Atamonskyllede glass as close immediately and just turned a walk upside down and back again.
Portionen her giver små 2 liter.
I have ex. brugt 2 Fatalii choco og 3 små Habanero Choco.
Add it from the spice shelf as you like – there is much that clothes figs – especially the so-called Christmas spices like cloves, star anise, cardamom (Moreover, also the brown), muskat, licorice powder, etc..
One can use the small Spanish figs coated with flour – but because. flour syrup can be no 'long’ in it and it can be difficult to control – try using some without flour.
The chili from another day:
Ihhh… Alle opskrifterne ser så fine ud. Vi er ret nye i chili-verdenen ;0)
Tak skal du ha’ Maj-Britt og velkommen til 🙂
Hej Vivi
Jeg har fået din hjemmeside anbefalet af Hanne og Sigurd fra hundeskoven. 🙂
Hej med dig Annette og velkommen til 🙂
Uhm – flere lækkerier, det ser lækker ud – og den hjemmelavede marcinpan ser også skøn ud ;o)
Tak skal du ha’ Ulla ;o)
For pokker hvor blev både fudge og skumfiduserne lækre, chilien giver lige det sidste pift 🙂 o
Super – det er jeg glad for at du også synes – godt voksenslik, ikke 🙂
Mon ikke dette kan overbevise mig om at figner smager godt? Så får damen ikke lov at have dem for sig selv længere……mmmmmm……port!
Hehe – det pynter gevaldigt på dem at komme en tur i gryden på denne måde. Jeg forstår generelt ikke ‘tørret frugt’ særligt godt – men her er de yummy 🙂
Jeg er chilisulten, nu er det næsten ligemeget hvad form det kommer i, så trækker chilien. Men det lyder alligevel skønt i figensylt 🙂
Knus Elsebeth
Tak skal du have Elsebeth – du må have den prøvet 🙂
Godmorgen Vivi,
Århh hvor lækkert! Tror jeg vil prøve portvinsfignerne på gammel lagret ost! 🙂
Mch Hans
Dér er de også allerbedst efter min mening – og på stærk blå ost 🙂
Hold op, hvor ser den opskrift fantastisk lækker ud – én mere til listen over dem, der skal prøves!
Tak for det. Vær ikke nærig med chilien, den kan tage en del 🙂