Remember stegeben – or 'good legs’ as they were called here – they just got a revival in my kitchen. Our new supplier of meat had a few bags lying when we last downloaded meat on the farm ( and so wildly delicious out and was very meaty. Haps. I would like to give them a little lift and it was for this little project which fortunately did the first time. It's really good legs.
4 – 5 kg kødfulde stegeben
1 flaske rødvin
Chillies to taste – i.e.. one Habanero Chocolate
2 store løg
1 hvidløg
2 toptsk muscovado eller anden mørk sukker
olive oil
Gastriq eller lidt æbleeddike + mørk sukker
1 dl fløde
How to:
Season the legs with salt and pepper.
Cut the onion into small pieces and some garlic in half.
Cut the fresh chilli, sliced.
Brown the legs in a pan in a mixture of olive oil and butter and add to the pan with the spirit as they are finished.
Brown the onions so they get color and add to the pan along with the cut garlic, brown sugar and chili.
Pour red wine by and fill with water until it reaches the upper leg – but they are not to be covered.
Put the lid on the pot and bring to the boil. Skru ned sådan at den simrer og lad den gøre det i 2 timer.
When the legs are done remove and keep warm – possibly. i et fad i ovnen ved svag varme.
Strain the sauce and put it in a (like less) pot. Lad den koge ind til ca 1/3. Taste now with gastriq and cream and even possibly. the sauce a little if it penetrates. Taste also with salt and pepper and a little more chilli if you like.
Server legs with ex. steamed vegetables or mash and a little of the sauce. The sauce is very close in taste.
Cheating now not allow yourself to have a good gastriq below – it does wonders ift. To round a sauce like this of.
Lige inden servering kan benene få et par minutter under grillen i ovnen det bliver de bestemt ikke dårligere af.
The legs can be covered by only one layer baking paper and then a layer of aluminum foil and genvarmes in the oven. Remember baking paper between when there is chili in court – otherwise 'etches’ food the foil.