Delicious as a snack for a cold beer, chopped or 'whole’ in curries and Danish karryretter. Super on liver pâté and other meats – put also a handful in a sandwich with your favorite fillings.
About . 1 kg medium stærke til stærke chili – i.e.. Jalapeño
Clean chillies and cut into rings.
2½ dl risvineddike
About . 100 gr palmesukker
8 spsk fiskesauce
About . 5 cm ingefær eller mere skåret i tynde skiver
10 – 15 hele stjerneanis
3 spsk sellerifrø
maybe some. Sodium benzoate
How to:
Prepare one or more glass. They washed, scalded and possibly. Atamonskylles.
Cut the chillies into rings and put them in jars with ginger slices, star anise and celery evenly distributed between.
Vinegar and sugar slowly heated while the sugar dissolve and dissolve. Once the sugar has dissolved completely brought to a boil and cook over low heat without stirring for about. 5 minutter ved middelvarme. This reduces a bit.
Remove from the heat, lad den køle 5 minutter og tilsæt fiskesaucen (and possibly. Sodium benzoate). Pour over chillies so they are completely covered. If you need a bit at the top, you can supplement with a little rice vinegar.
Close the jars and let them cool. Then held in cold storage where it can hold a few months without Atamon – meget længere med.