Some nice hot chillies can be used in the delicious marshmallows with liquorice, thick marzipan bottom and a chocolate shell almost as thick. Yum.
You can of course make them just as hot or mild as you prefer.
Some nice hot chillies can be used in the delicious marshmallows with liquorice, thick marzipan bottom and a chocolate shell almost as thick. Yum.
You can of course make them just as hot or mild as you prefer.
Lots of licorice and chili to taste gives cranberries a nice kick in this jam. The taste of the otherwise bittersour little berries is at first nice and soft with spicy chili and then liquorice comes sneaking into the tast to round it off and kind of bring it all together.
2,5 kg cranberries
chili to taste – fresh or dried (i.e.. 3 Habananeros)
5 topped tsp vanillapowder
3 dl red balsamic vinegar
2 kg raw canesugar
200 gr raw canesugar
120 gr english liqourice powder
4 tsp gelling agent (depending on brand)
Sodium benzoate
How to:
Rinse the cranberries well if they are freshly picked and also rinse the chilies (remove seeds if you like – I do not) and chop them fine, possibly in the food processor.
Put cranberries, chili, vanilla powder, balsamic vinegar and 2 kg raw canesugar into a pot and bring it slowly to a simmer.
Simmer until cranberries are soft and mushy.
Blend 200 gr raw canesugar well with the liqourice powder and gelling agent in a separate bowl. Licorice powder is very susceptible to moisture, so do not take it out of the package before now.
Sprinkle licorice mixture into the pot with the boiling mixture and stir well while doing so. Simmer the marmalade for further 2 minutes and take the pot of the heat.
Add sodium benzoate as directed on the bottle (if you use sodium benzoate) and immediately fill the marmalade into clean, scalded and optionally. sodium bezoate rinsed glass jars, which are immediately closed.
Licorice amount is always a matter of taste. If you are afraid that it is too much for your taste, then start by adding half of the suggested amount during the 2 minutes simmering time, taste and immediately add more if you like.
300 g almonds
200 gr pistacienøddekerner, usaltede
3 – 4 bittermandler eller abrikoskerner
1 æggehvide
100 gr flydende glukose
200 gr blød nougat
as. 1 tsk chilipulver eller hakket frisk efter smag
2 – 2½ tsk engelsk lakridspulver (with small peak)
100 – 125 gr god chokolade til overtræk (light or dark aftertaste) – and possibly. a little chili and licorice powder
How to:
Rinse a milk carton and lay it down with the opening up. Cut the top third of (see image). Lining it with wax paper and hold it together with a clamp her where it was open.
Melt the nougat water bath with hot pepper and liquorice. Season to taste if it is strong enough – remember that it must be inside the sweet cake, so it may take some kapow.
Pour the nougat in milk carton and let it freeze up again. I put it in the fridge.
Meanwhile, you can prepare the almonds. Hæld kogende vand over og lad dem trække 2 minutter. Drain and came fresh boiling water over. Lad dem igen stå 2 minutter. Smut them if they are ready. If the skin is too real, så giv dem et nyt hold kogende vad i 2 minutter. Tonsils popped easiest if you just pour a little water from, such that the top almonds in the bowl is free from water, but the ones downstairs are covered. As you come into the bowl pour a little water from time to time.
Getting the almonds in the food processor along with pistacienøddekernerne and bitter almond / apricot kernels. Run them to a medium coarse meal. Add the egg white and glucose and run again for a marcipandej shapes itself. There'll stop and scrape down the sides a few times along the way.
Take the marzipan out of the food processor and knead it through on the kitchen table. Wrap it in film and place it in the refrigerator until you are ready to bake. Preferably at least a few hours.
Nougaten skæres i 16 lige store stykker.
Marcipanen deles også i 16 klumper. You can use. a weight. Vej den store klump og divider med 16 og vej hver lille klump af (they would like to weigh about. 40 gram hver). They are also great with baked when they are about. equal, so weighing is a good idea.
Rul hver klump til en pølse som er 1 cm længere end nougatstykkerne. Pressure sausages flat, put nougat and marzipan close nicely together nougat. Shape each piece into a slightly rounded triangle shape with your fingers – or make them slightly curved if you better like it. Make sure there is closed with marzipan around the nougat.
Læg stykkerne på bagepapir som er lagt på 2 bageplader som er lagt oven på hinanden (it does always with cake not to get them too dark at the bottom).
Forvarm ovnen til 225 grader og bag stykkerne ca. 8 – 10 minutes. Keep a close eye on them. They must be light brown, but not more than the.
Let them cool completely on the baking sheet without touching them. They are soft when they are hot.
When they have cooled, Loosen the from the baking paper, but being on this.
Temperér chokoladen – see . little about chocolate – and charge the Køle of consistency as a thick glaze. Remember to scrape the down the sides of the bowl during cooling, so that it does not coagulate the.
Make the chocolate in a small freezer bag as you cut a very small corner of. Use the bag as a piping bag and got chocolate in pieces in zigzag stripes or whatever suits you.
Let the chocolate harden completely before removing the pieces from the baking paper.
If the cake mass is not sweet enough for your taste (remember that there will nougat in) – then you can knead a little powdered sugar in the. Use a tiny bit of cold water if it becomes too dry – or slightly more glucose if you want to stick with it. The version here is not very sweet in itself.
You do not temper the chocolate if you do not bother – but it is always great looking.
Of course you can get icing on your cake pieces if you'd rather have it – you could possibly. see how the pattern with the traditional cake pieces.
In the picture I have made double portion nougat – I needed something in common noises pieces also. Your will thus be half as thick.
If your fingers stuck in when working with marzipan eventually, rinse your hands in between. It is easiest with clean hands and they are allowed to be dampened slightly with cold water if it goes easier for you.
I use milk chocolate in these – melted with a little chilli and licorice powder like nougat'en. Chokoladen køles af under omrøring og nedskrabning fra siderne hvert 3-4 minut, until one can shape the small peaks in the above as being. Then the temperate fine and has the right consistency.
Have also tried me with a version of the same age, men kransekagen er lavet af 4 abrikoskerner, 250 gr mandler med skind, 250 gr valnødder, ca 200 gr rå rørsukker, 1 æggehvide og chililakridssirup til massen har en god, haemorrhage consistency. They are slightly sticky to shape – but it goes.
It was very different, but really delicious. Syrups gave it a lot Smag going forrygende with valnøderne and nougat'en – an almost malty flavor, which together with the color and texture is reminiscent slightly toward rye bread – the absolutely most delicious way. A variant sjov – in my version is not so sweet – and therefore will actually go really well with a champagne.
200 gr god hvid chokolade
1 tsk lakridspulver (small top)
1 tsk pulveriseret chili (small top)
How to:
Melt the chocolate over low heat for chocolate smelter or water bath. Tempera on CE. – see little about chocolate.
Mix licorice and chilli in a small bowl (it's a little letterer touching licorice powder out) and stir in the white chocolate.
Immediately pour the mass into small chocolate molds and leave to set.
…and suffered cloves and bay.
How cloves and bay is classic for roast pork is the other spices well be described as a newer feature of the past year. Instead of sprinkling the roast and seasonings, I have chosen to make a marinade and spray into the – to better distributing the taste.
3 kg kamsteg
A small handful of salt (I use lightly smoked chili salt)
3 usprøjtede appelsiner
possibly. 1-2 tsk sukker
3 tsk chilipulver med lille top
3 tsk engelsk lakridspulver med lille top
45 hele nelliker
A small handful of bay leaves – like fresh if you have a bush.
How to:
Take the roast out of the refrigerator at least an hour before using it in the oven. Dab the rind dry with paper towels and place the roast a place where it can get living room / kitchen temperature.
At that time, make the marinade also (can also be made earlier if it fits your schedule better).
Wash and dry orange founders. Grate the peel finely and squeeze out the juice. Come share both in a bowl. It does not matter that there are seeds and flesh.
If the orange peel is very acidic, smages til med 1-2 tsk sukker til saften smager som saft fra en sød appelsin.
Deal cloves holders a proper place in the mortar or ride krydderikværnen – and pour them so the marinade with chilli- and lakridspulver.
Stir marinade good – i.e.. but evt. spice lumps out of the back of a spoon. Let marinade pull an hour on the kitchen table. Should it be longer, then put it in the fridge.
When it soon is almost time for the roast to the oven, tændes ovnen på 150 grader.
Rind scratched off if necessary (it is almost always think) – scratch down to the meat, but not into the meat.
Si marinade into another bowl, so you have a completely liquid mass without 'lumps'. Use marinade syringe to distribute the marinade in the entire roast. Spraying onto the inclined around, so that a plug marinade going to be spread over several slices increased.
Rub the rind well with plenty of salt – and be sure to come down firmly in between all sværene.
If the roast is not just high over the place, you can roll some small balls of aluminum foil and stuff under the, there where it should be emphasized. We want the rind is just close to the heat of it all if possible.
Skær eller klip laurbærbladene i 3 dele på langs og sæt stykkerne ned mellem sværene.
Sæt et stegetermometer i stegen og indstil på kernetemperatur på 62 grader.
In the oven with the animal and wait for the thermometer is calling you. In the meantime, you should have something accessories to be prepared.
Når de 62 grader i midten af stegen er nået, take it out of the oven – it must not be covered. Turn the oven up on the grill. Arrow laurels of the rind.
When the oven is hot (and roast chilled a bit of) – put the roast zoom back about. 10 cm fra grillen, until sværene are crisp and perfect. Watch carefully and remove flux roast out when the rind is nice. Charge Stegen short rest meanwhile you all get track of the rest.
Så er der serveret ;o)
For marinade syringes at good hardware stores. It is a cheap and phenomenal tool for meat, where you always wished that you could benefit seasoning, such that it needed a little more into the meat. Widely used by barbeque people also. The cannula has a hole on the side of the needle, the tip is only used to perforate the.
I attach a recipe for braised kamsteg up at a later date also.
Dark chocolate shells
250 gr mandler
3 – 4 bittermandler eller abrikoskerner
2 spsk honning eller mere
3 – 4 spsk Creme de Cassis eller anden solbærlikør
2 tsk pulverkaffe
1 tsk engelsk lakridspulver
½ – 1 tsp chili powder
god, strong, homemade blackcurrant jam – like flavored with rum
How to:
Prepare shells – see . little about chocolate.
Mandlerne hakkes – med skind – i en foodprocessor indtil de har en konsistens som meget groft mel – prøv dig frem hvilken konsistens du bedst kan lide. I think that this marzipan must be more coarse than the regular store bought marzipan.
Add honey, chili, licorice powder, Creme de Cassis og pulverkaffe og kør til massen er let sammenhængende – endelig ikke for længe. The mixture should be slightly sticky, måske skal der lidt mere vædske i – kommer an på hvor fint du malede mandlerne og hvor store skefulde honning der kom i.
Stir a little rum in solbærmarmeladen if not already.
Fill blackcurrant jam in the bottom of the shells
Add a bit of marzipan mass upstairs solbærmarmeladen – make sure there is room to cast off with chocolate.
Close off with melted chocolate, decoration CE. with whatever you find on.
It can be a little difficult to close them if the filling is very wet. Please start by pouring the chocolate around the edges when you close and then fill up to the middle – then it goes a little easier.
400 gr marcipan
a half cup walnuts
2 toptsk engelsk lakridspulver
1 tsk chili
white chocolate coating
How to:
Fill a mug half with walnuts. Pour the port over as it covers. Cover the mug with movie and put it in the fridge for the next day.
Mix marzipan with chili and licorice and knead well. Pour a few teaspoons port in – it makes it easier to knead.
Drain the nuts.
Pak little marzipan on each walnut and roll them into balls. Moisture hands with cold water on the way when it becomes too sticky. The water will surface to look a little funny, whitish out – but it dries again.
Ask the balls to dry on the kitchen table for an hour, before they are coated with white chocolate – see . little about chocolate.
Port wine can be used in the sauce, if you think it has been too bitter.
Marshmallows are me a source of great pleasure every time I rediscover them. De er så skønne frisklavede og geniale grillede. You can make them with all kinds of flavor, so they must then also be made with chili.
One time I bought some harlequin shaped some licorice-flavored. Unfortunately, they were very synthetic in flavor and rolled in too much candy sugar. So is it obvious to make them yourself. It is awfully easy and there are several recipes around the web – both with and without egg whites.
Those with egg whites are the easiest to get to succeed – så dem bringer jeg en opskrift på her.
500 gr rå rørsukker
120 gr pasteuriseret æggehvide (or whatever you dare use of egg whites)
1 dl water
10 blade husblas
chili to taste – using a well-chilli, otherwise they taste by no
1 tsk ren vanillapulver eller korn fra en vanillastang eller 3 – 4 tsk vanillasukker (undlad vanilla in lakridsmodellen)
maybe some. licorice powder – jeg bruger 6 toptsk engelsk lakridspulver
Ingredients to roll them in:
1 dl flormelis
1 dl kartoffelmel
2 – 3 tsk lakridspulver til lakridsvarianten
How to:
Add husblas'en soak in plenty of cold water.
Mix powdered sugar, kartoffelmel and any. liquorice powder in a bowl. Aim then half out on a piece of wax paper they are put on a baking sheet.
Finthak chili as well as you can and like it.
Water and sugar are boiled together in a small saucepan.
The egg whites until stiff – like in a big kitchen machine that can do the work – but it can also be done with a hand mixer for this recipe.
The boiling sugar syrup is added egg white mass – it may not cool down first, it must be taken from the stove. Pour the syrup down the side of the bowl side – You may not frame wire whip, kogende sirup giver øjeblikkelige brændmærker på huden hvis det strinter på dig.
They soaked husblasblade bowed down with free water and add and whipped further. Add the chilli and vanilla or licorice powder during whipping.
Beat loose until the mass is so solid that you dare pour it out on the baking sheet without the time runs out – it takes some time.
Pour the mixture onto the baking pan with icing sugar mixture. Smooth it quickly and gently into an even layer. It need not be perfect – it'll look fine when they are cut into pieces.
Put the rest of the mixture of icing sugar and let the mass stiffen least a few hours – possibly. the day after.
Cut into cubes – some fun – easiest with a pizza cutter. Turn the pieces well around the icing sugar mixture underway, otherwise stick together – Each to roll around as soon as it is cut. They seem very soft and sticky when you cut them, men så snart de lige er trillet rundt i flormelisen er de rigtig fine og kan pakkes.
Yum – så er der marshmallows ;o)
Store in sealed container and keep ihvertilfælde a week, If you can keep your hands off them as long as.
You probably should not expect to be able to use an heirloom of a hand mixer for this – it requires a lot of effort of the. It goes well with a newer model, i.e.. in dual – otherwise, the large kitchen equipment in use if you have such a.
I am considering making a tangy chili / lemon flavor – update the recipe when I get it tested.
Jeg har lavet dem med 1 Habanero pr portion – it fits perfectly.
Here is one of the greats husfavoritter – them we have made a lot of.
250 g sugar
½ liter milk cream whip
125 gr glukose
2 tsk flagesalt – i.e.. Maldon
chili to taste – very finely chopped
2 spsk lakridspulver
A rectangular shape – that 18×18 cm, lined with baking paper that is coated with a thin layer of oil
Licorice powder to roll them in
How to:
Glucose, sugar and cream boil over a moderate heat in a not too small saucepan.
There must be stirred frequently and more often the longer it has been cooked and not to burn on. Towards the end stir constantly. It is easiest with a wooden spatula.
Cook and stir until the caramel is nice golden brown and begin to drop the bottom of the pan – it changes like the texture slightly. Det tager mellem 20 og 40 minutter alt efter hvor meget fut du har på gryden.
When the consistency is right to be there, then add salt and stir on to you think that it is nearing completion.
Tag gryden af varmen og rør hurtigt lakridspulver og de hakkede chilier i og hæld det fluks i formen.
Cover with greaseproof paper smeared thinly with oil.
Layer caramel stand and rest at room temperature until the next day – eller ihvertilfælde ca 4 timer hvis ikke du kan vente længere.
Take caramel block out on a cutting board, dry most of the oil with a paper towel and cut it into squares rolled in liquorice powder.
You can get glucose in ex. E-deli and Special Merchant (ing links) if not your local shopping place has it. Now use a real licorice powder. You can buy from TI spices or Matas.
This recipe can pull some of the really hot chillies.
It can be difficult to hit just the right consistency of toffees each time – practice makes perfect – og de smager lige godt af den grund.
If they become too soft, they do not cooked long enough, if they become too hard, the cooked for too long.
Being toffees not tough enough, there is a high probability that they will flow out when you cut them and let them stand a little. If you find that the mass has become too soft when it has been, you can put it in the fridge in the mold for a few hours, melt some chocolate (dark, cream or white), take the cold caramel lot out and cut into small chunks which immediately turned into the melted chocolate and put out to dry. Not bad either.
1 meget stor Habanero eller 2 mindre synes jeg giver den rigtige smag