Chili con carne (will be translated upon request)

My take on a classic that course can be made in many variations. It takes the little time and it tastes best of days after it is made. They are grateful to freeze and lends itself well to many guests, if it is to be easily. Therefore, it may be a good idea to make a big deal when you're at it. If guests have not cleared the pan, so it may well be frozen in suitable portions.

Chili con carne (will be translated upon request)


4 – 4½ kg okseklump

1200 – 1600 gr løg

ca 4 dl olivenolie

ca 1½ liter oksebouillon – mixed target

4 porter eller stout á 33 cl (can also be the ship's beer)

8 – 10 dl hakkede tomater/tomatpassata/flåede tomater

4 dl god, strong balsamic

4 hvidløg

1 – 4 ds chipotle – i.e.. á 200 gr (can undlades)

Chillies to taste, like mixed. Dried can also be used.

8 topspsk røget paprike (ca 80 gr)

8 små kanelstænger eller tilsvarende mængde store

4 hele stjerneanis

ca 20 laurbærblade – like fresh

8 topspsk oregano (ca 8 – 10 gr)

4 topspsk hel spidskommen (ca 30 gr)

140 gr muscovado sukker (or brown sugar)

140 gr salt

1 kg tørrede kidneybønner (or other beans aftertaste)

A few cups of strong coffee – eller 5-6 tsk pulverkaffe

maybe some. a few cans tomato.

6-8 store røde peberfrugter

ca 600 gr friske eller frosne, thawed corn kernels

300 gr god mørk chokolade – gerne 70-80% kakaoindhold

How to:

Sæt kidneybønnerne i blød i rigeligt koldt vand 12 – 24 timer før du skal lave Chili con carne. De kan udblødes fra 0 – 24 timer – see more here: Do beans soaked?

Cut lump in the dining friendly cubes and brown them in batches in a little oil. I usually brown in a frying pan and then pour the ingredients into the cauldron along the way.

Kom bouillon, beer, tomato and balsamic vinegar to the pan to the meat and turn the pan over very low heat. It will quietly bring to the boil while you prepare and get the next ingredients in.

Peel the onions and cut them into cubes. Brown them in a little oil to the pan – as for onions – they must be light brown.

While you care for them and regularly turns around in them, you can tinker garlic and chop them on the cutting board. In the pot with them.

Hak chipotle and fresh chili. Mild chili in larger pieces, chilli finely. Getting it in.

Add the smoked paprika, cinnamon sticks, star anise, bay leaves, oregano, cumin, muscovado og salt.

Also add the browned onions when they are finished.

Bring the pot quietly to a boil if it is not even. Cover and let it simmer quietly – i ca 90 minutter.

Fish stjerneanis'erne up and came beans. Bring back quietly to a boil and let simmer without låg i 30 – 60 minutter til bønnerne er færdige, if they are soaked first. If they are not macerated, to the boiling longer and it may be advantageous either to boil them some of the time with the lid on, or to be very awake about adding more liquid. Turn regularly around in the pan. The beans must be fully cooked and soft all the way through. Underdone beans are toxic. When they are tender and soft all the way through, is the finished. If there is no liquid on the way, Add the coffee. If you chew a bean that has not received enough when you taste for it, så spyt den ud.

If you're not used coffee to dilute with during cooking, kan du nu tilsætte pulverkaffen. Smag til om retten mangler salt, sugar, chili and other spices. If you think chili con carne'n be tyknes, you can add a few cans tomato.

Cut the peppers into small, eat-friendly cubes and put them in with the corn. Bring back quietly to the boil – simrer 2-3 minutter og gryden tages af varmen. Rør chokoladen i. Season to taste one last time.

Now Chili con carne'n served or soak for later in the day or in the fridge for the next day (the next days – it just gets better).

Heats quietly before serving and served with optional accessories – i.e.. Creme fraiche young nachochips (like touched with a little lime peel) and / or a soft salsa, guacamole, ris, salad, good bread etc.


Of course you can easily use other beans than kidney beans – many kinds. I really like most kinds of beans, but is enthusiastic about the kidney beans in this dish. Use what you like and follow udblødningtiden (If you are using maceration) and kogetiden the package.

Når chili con carne skal genopvarmes, it can easily be done in the oven. Then you are free to run and stir gently into the pan – and can use the time for something else. YLD Chili con carne'n to fad et ildfast, tires first with greaseproof paper and then aluminum foil as Krammes to the edge – or use an ovenproof dish with a lid if you have such a. Staniol blivet almost always etched chilli, derfor bagepapiret først. Sæt det tildækkede fad i kold ovn og varm ovnen op til 150. How long it takes to heat through food, depends on how big the dish is and how much there is in – men ca 45 minutter synes jeg passer til et par portioner.

Court will not damage that met a few pieces of smoked bacon cooking from start – fished up before serving.

Smoked home chillies are not bad.

Undlader you chipotlen, use a few tablespoons extra of the smoked paprika.

Make this a day before you need it, especially the first time. It takes some time to make.

You can make it without oil. So you broil not meat and onions before placing in the pan.

Coded can also get in that whole piece or larger lumps. So extended cooking time for meat is tender – ca 4 timer for en hel klump på 4 – 4½ kilo, shorter for smaller pieces.

Chili con carne (will be translated upon request) - Ingredients Chili con carne (will be translated upon request) - kødet skæres Chili con carne (will be translated upon request) - kødet brunes Chili con carne (will be translated upon request) - løgene skæres i tern Chili con carne (will be translated upon request) - hakket hvidløg Chili con carne (will be translated upon request) - chipotle Chili con carne (will be translated upon request) - chipotle hakketChili con carne (will be translated upon request) - løgene er færdige Chili con carne (will be translated upon request) - frisk chili Chili con carne (will be translated upon request) - chili founders chopped Chili con carne (will be translated upon request) - færdigsimret Chili con carne (will be translated upon request) - klar til at blive rullet og komme en tur i ovnen





Coffee Marzipan with peanut butter and chili (will be translated upon request) – filled chocolates


Dark chocolate shells

250 gr marcipan

5 top spsk crunchy peanutbutter

½ cup Kahlua or other coffee liqueur

3 top tsk pulverkaffe

2 tsp (small top) chili powder


How to:

Prepare shells – see . little about chocolate.

Mix all ingredients for the filling well in enskål. This is most easily done with the hands at the bottom of a large bowl. Knead the mixture thoroughly.

Press the filling firmly into the chocolate shells.

Top with melted chocolate.


Lodtrækningsdag ;o)

If you want to participate in today's draw for a few samples of what I have on the shelves – namely a package with a glass of Tropicana (gul chilisauce), et chili med blue Æblegelé (Christmas Edition), a glass of yellow chilli jam and a small glass of red hot chili sauce……please write a comment here below by tonight: 24 december 2012, kl 23.59.

Packets sent from a post office d. 27 december.

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It's OK just to write that you would like to participate if you do not have another at heart.

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If you have not written anything to me here at capacity before, you probably will not see your voice message pop up including all when you wrote the. This is because, I must approve all people the first time they write. Just calm – I can well see both OGM and the time it is written in – and it will show up when I have approved the – before the draw.

Winners' names will be published on the site. Winners will also be notified by. mail.

You can participate once per draw.

I reserve the right to delete all drawing related to the recipes when we reach January. I charge any other bemærkninger that you may have written to the recipe stand.

Everything is made in an ordinary household kitchen.

Homemade marzipan with coffee (will be translated upon request), blackcurrant and chili – filled chocolates


Dark chocolate shells

250 gr mandler

3 – 4 bittermandler eller abrikoskerner

2 spsk honning eller mere

3 – 4 spsk Creme de Cassis eller anden solbærlikør

2 tsk pulverkaffe

1 tsk engelsk lakridspulver

½ – 1 tsp chili powder

god, strong, homemade blackcurrant jam – like flavored with rum


How to:

Prepare shells – see . little about chocolate.

Mandlerne hakkes – med skind – i en foodprocessor indtil de har en konsistens som meget groft mel – prøv dig frem hvilken konsistens du bedst kan lide. I think that this marzipan must be more coarse than the regular store bought marzipan.

Add honey, chili, licorice powder, Creme de Cassis og pulverkaffe og kør til massen er let sammenhængende – endelig ikke for længe. The mixture should be slightly sticky, måske skal der lidt mere vædske i – kommer an på hvor fint du malede mandlerne og hvor store skefulde honning der kom i.

Stir a little rum in solbærmarmeladen if not already.

Fill blackcurrant jam in the bottom of the shells

Add a bit of marzipan mass upstairs solbærmarmeladen – make sure there is room to cast off with chocolate.

Close off with melted chocolate, decoration CE. with whatever you find on.

It can be a little difficult to close them if the filling is very wet. Please start by pouring the chocolate around the edges when you close and then fill up to the middle – then it goes a little easier.

Galliano Chili Hot Shots (will be translated upon request)

Luner on a chilly day.


Strong coffee
Vanilla Powder
Frisk chili – not too dry or thin-walled


How to:

Brew some strong coffee.

Cut some fine rings of the tip of chili and save for garnish.

Finthak chilien til mos med en stor kniv på et skærebræt eller brug en minihakker.

Squeeze the juice out of chili mixture with the back of a spoon – use a small strainer. Tilsæt 5-10 dråber vand til massen i sien, stir and strain again. Repeat. with a little more water a few times.

Pisk lidt fløde til skum med en knivspids vanillapulver og evt. a bit of chili tonight.

Pour a small amount of chili tonight and then Galliano in a shot glass.

Hæld kaffe forsigtigt over ved at lade det løbe over bagsiden af en teske ned i glasset.

Hæld flødeskummet i en sprøjtepose eller en lille frysepose som du derefter klipper et hjørne af.
Sprøjt fløde ovenpå kaffen.

Using a teaspoon or a small plastic pipette to drip little more chili juice in addition to the cream (can possibly. be done by the table).

Pynt med de små chiliringe og servér straks.