Honey cakes with chili

English here: Honey cakes with chili

Honey cakes with chili


450 gr honey

225 gr Muscovado sugar

250 gr butter

8 eggs

500 gr flour

3 teaspoon baking powder

6 – 8 teaspoons chili powder, mild-medium or chopped fresh chili to taste

4 teaspoon ground ginger

2 teaspoons ground cinnamon

2 teaspoon ground allspice

1 teaspoon ground cloves

1 – 3 glasses abricot jam – preferably homemade (or orange jam) – I use about. 8 dl

Nice, dark chocolate

How to:

Melt the honey on a low heat and let it cool down to room temperature.

Whisk butter and muscovado well and add honey.

Add the eggs one at a time and whisk between each.

Sift the dry ingredients together and fold them into the dough.

Put the dough into two greased springforms – or a square form lined with baking paper. I use a square shape form of approximately 30 x 37 cm.

Bake in preheated oven for. one hour at 150 degrees celsius.

Allow it to cool slightly in the form, before you take it out.

When it is completely cooled of, split it in two layers and a thick layer of abricot jam is spread out between the layers. The cake can easily be covered and wait for the day after, before you split it and add the jam. I think it is easiest to split the cake with a bread knife.

When the jam has been added, let the cake rest for half an hour – so the jam 'sets’ themselves. In the meantime, you can. temper the chocolate if you like. You don't need to temper the chocolate, but if you know how, then it makes a delicious surface and gives a nice 'crunch' when you bite of the cake. see also. little about chocolate.

The cake is cut into squares that are being coated with (tempered) chocolate. The cake can also be coated as a whole. If you use a chocolate rack to coat the cake on, then move the cakes again relatively quickly, so that it does not stick to the grid when the chocolate sets. If you areto the 'art' of using chocolate rack, then only coat 8 – 10 pieces at a time.

You can decorate them using for instance. candied orange peel before the chocolate hardens.

If you cut the cake into squares, so first cut the edge of the cake nice and clean. The pieces that you cut of, you can just make a handful of delicious chocolate chili truffle balls with: crumble cake pieces well and mix them with a little jam and cocoa powder – knead well together and form truffles which are rolled in a little desiccated coconut. They may also be coated with melted chocolate before they are rolled in the coconut.


If you would like to also have white butter cream in your honey cakes – then whisk 250g butter and 150g icing sugar and vanilla grains from one pod (or the equivalent of other vanilla product). Spread on one part of the cake and jam on the other and put them together.

Honey cakes with chili  - Ingredients Honey cakes with chili  - leave Honey cakes with chili  - ready for oven Honey cakes with chili  - færdigbagt Honey cakes with chili  - kagen flækkes Honey cakes with chili  - der smøres marmelade på Honey cakes with chili  - kanterne skæres fri Honey cakes with chili  - snulderet gemmes til romkugler Honey cakes with chili  - snitterne skæres ud Honey cakes with chili  - klar til chokoladeovertræk Honey cakes with chili  - nyovertrukne Honey cakes with chili  - finished


Remember that any honey cake leftovers are super for making truffles of – mix them with a little good until the consistency of thick cake batter, see proposals in the picture below. Roll them into balls ine – tril if necessary. in cocoa powder and store them in the fridge. They can also be rolled in – is cooled for a few hours and is coated with chocolate. Yum.

Rester til trøfler Rester til trøfler - massen Trøfler af honningkagerne Trøfler af honningkagerne 2

Pistachio and chili (will be translated upon request) – filled chocolates

It was just before the filling was not going anywhere, since I do not seem to pistachio and chili sounded like a special lucky combination. Jeg prøvede heldigvis alligevel – that is, as we know no sacred cows in my kitchen – things need to be tested.

The so-called pistachio paste, I really really like – in very small amounts – it just needs to be matched by some. It ended up being right pistachios and chili – little syrup to bind it all together with and thick dark chocolate. Now it just right.


Nice, dark chocolate molds

‘pistaciemasse’ – i.e.. dessertmasse med pistaciesmag

100 gr usaltede pistacienødder

1 – 2 tsk chili eller lidt finthakket frisk

150 – 200 gr lys agavesirup


How to:

Prepare chocolate shells, see . little about chocolate.

Finely chop the pistachios – lettest i foodprocessor – and mix with 'pistacie'massen and chili.

Stir it up with agave syrup until it has the consistency of dessert mass had from the start.

Filling the molds by means of a small freezing bag is used as a piping bag. Smooth after in each with a finger dipped in cold water.

Ask the shape of the keel ½ hour and closes with melted chocolate.

Homemade marzipan with ginger and chili (will be translated upon request) – filled chocolates


Good dark chocolate shells

250 gr mandler

3 – 4 bittermandler eller abrikoskerner

2 spsk honning eller mere

3 – 4 spsk Ingefærlikør

½ tbsp finely grated fresh ginger

1 tsk stødt ingefær

1 tsk chilipulver eller hakket frisk chili


How to:

Prepare shells – see . little about chocolate.

Mandlerne hakkes – med skal – i en foodprocessor indtil de har en konsistens som meget groft mel – prøv dig frem hvilken konsistens du bedst kan lide. I think that this marzipan must be more coarse than the regular store bought marzipan.

Honey is added and it is run some laps again.

Add the chilli, fresh ginger, stødt ingefær og ingefærlikør og kør til massen er let sammenhængende – endelig ikke for længe. The mixture should be slightly sticky, måske skal der lidt mere vædske i – kommer an på hvor fint du malede mandlerne og hvor store skefulde honning der kom i.

Pressure mass in chocolate shells. Close off with melted chocolate, decoration CE. with whatever you find on and serve.

Caramel with chili (will be translated upon request) – filled chocolates


Dark chocolate shells

1 dl fløde

100 g smør

100 g lys eller mørk farin eller muscovadosukker

100 gr lys sirup

2 tsk chilipulver


How to:

Make shells ready – see a bit of chocolate.

Cream, butter, syrup and brown sugar brought quietly to a boil in a small saucepan. Easily boils under stirring ca. 5 minutter.

Remove the pot from the heat and stir in the chili. Lad massen køle af til køkkentemperatur og fyld den derefter i chokoladeskallerne. This is done either with a spoon or even easier with a freezer bag that has been cut a small hole in. You can also buy a small funnel made for the purpose. Fill almost to the edge – to just be room for molding chocolate bottom.

Put the caramel filled chocolates in the fridge ½ hour.

Melt the chocolate to the bottom (it's not always that I bother to temper the chocolate to the bottoms – but one should well).

Take the chocolates out of the refrigerator and casting bottoms. Ask again the chocolates cool for half an hour. or at room temperature no longer – then easily be turned off. If you use chocolate molds – banks to look fringe mod Køkkenbord – then pops the out. Do it in a clean tea towel.

Peppermints (will be translated upon request) – filled chocolates

Pebermyntechokoladerne are some of the big favorites with us. We also do other cool stuff, but it is as if there is never quite enough of them here.

The filling here made of white chocolate and cream are a league above the usual sukkerfondant peppermint filling, which can run into the purchased products. Try it.


Dark chocolate shells

400 gr hvid chokolade

2½ dl piskefløde 38% – like eco (they taste best)

75 dråber pebermynteolie

How to:

Make shells ready – see little about chocolate.

Chop the white chocolate finely and mix with the cream in a small saucepan. Put it over the weakest flame – det er 1 på mit komfur – and stir in masssen while it quietly warms up until the chocolate has melted into the cream.

Feel free to use a small spatula to stir with – it is easier to keep the chocolate off the bottom with such than with a spoon.

Be aware – Chocolate burns easily and white chocolate is of chocolates as easily do it. It withstands minimum heat.

It is now no problem with this recipe if you are a little awake.

Remove the saucepan from the heat when the filling is finished and set to cool on the kitchen table. Of the tube in and to.

When filling the kitchen temperature, Add peppermint oil and stir it into the mass. Now pour the filling into the shells. This is done either with a spoon or even easier with a freezer bag that has been cut a small hole in. You can also get a small funnel made for the purpose. Fill almost to the edge – to just be room for molding chocolate bottom.

Put the mint chocolates in the fridge ½ hour.

Melt the chocolate to the bottom (it's not always that I bother to tempered chocolate to the bottoms – but one should well).

Take mynterne from the refrigerator and casting bottoms.

Ask chocolates at room temperature min. a few hours (or cheating and place them in a cool ½ hours) – then easily be turned off. If you use chocolate molds – tap edge look mod Køkkenbord – then pops the out. Do it on a clean tea towel so they do not settle.


If you want thinner peppermint filling, Using just a little more cream.
I have successfully had them standing a few weeks under refrigeration and has also successfully had them frozen and thawed again. They still tasted as they should.

Homemade marzipan with orange and chilli (will be translated upon request) – filled chocolates


Dark chocolate shells

250 gr mandler

3 – 4 bittermandler eller abrikoskerner

2 spsk honning eller mere

3 – 4 spsk Cointreau eller anden appelsinlikør

Fintrevet skal af 1 usprøjtet appelsin

1 tsk chilipulver eller finthakket frisk chili


How to:

Prepare the molds with chocolate, see little about chocolate

The almonds are chopped - they must not popped first - in a food processor, indtil de har en konsistens som meget groft mel – prøv dig frem hvilken konsistens du bedst kan lide. I think that this marzipan must be more coarse than the regular store bought marzipan.

Honey, chili, appelsinskal og Grand Marnier tilsættes og der køres igen til massen er let sammenhængende – endelig ikke for længe. The mixture should be slightly sticky, måske skal der lidt mere Cointreau eller honning i – kommer an på hvor fint du malede mandlerne og hvor store skefulde honning der kom i.

Pressure mass in chocolate shells. They might be. blot dry with a finger dipped in cold water.

Close off with melted chocolate.

Christmas Fudge with chili (will be translated upon request)

Fudge can basically be done in two different ways – and this is clearly the easiest. The consistency is super – and the taste gets you the self agenda. Here is my Christmas version which tastes delicious spicy.


1 ds kondenseret mælk

450 gr rigtig god flødechokolade

75 gr smør – possibly. usaltet

1 tsk chili

1 tsk stødt ingefær

1 lille kanelstang

2 stjerneanis

½ teaspoon whole cloves

10 – 12 grønne kardemommekapsler


How to:

Hak chokoladen fine, if not it is in buttons.

Line a mold with baking paper – I like to use one bread form – I think it is appropriate in size.

Crush kardemommekapslerne look and willow seeds ud. Throw away capsules.

Hugs all the whole spices and cardamom seeds in spice grinder.

Sift the spices, so you are sure that there are larger pieces between.

Mix all ingredients in either a bowl, as lunes a water bath, or in a pot if you can control your stove with low heat. I prefer water bath.

Warm ingredients quietly up until they are melted together. Massen må helst ikke komme over 45 grader pga. chocolate.

Pour the mixture into the mold and smooth the surface roughly out with a spatula.

Let it stand for peace on the kitchen table for a minimum of a few hours before it is cut into squares or bars.

Fudge can be stored in a tin with tight-fitting lid at room temperature if it should be eaten within a few days. Must keep them a little longer, can be stored refrigerated and can be frozen. You can easily freeze a large piece down and only cut it out when it is thawed and you should use it.

Chocolate truffle with chili and honey (will be translated upon request) – filled chocolates


Dark chocolate shells

2 dl cream 38%

1 stor spsk honning

250 gr god, dark chocolate

2 tsk chilipulver eller finthakket frisk chili efter smag


How to:

Make shells ready – see little about chocolate.

Finthak chocolate with truffle filling and place in a bowl.

Cream and honey brought quietly to the boil (must not boil) i en lille gryde under rolig omrøring.

Remove the pot from the heat and stir in the chili.

Pour it over the chopped chocolate and stir, starting in a small circle in the center of the bowl, until chocolate is melted and the mass is homogeneous.

Lad massen køle af til køkkentemperatur og fyld den derefter i chokoladeskallerne. Det gøres nemmest med en teske og duppes lidt til med fingrene. Fill almost to the edge – to just be room for molding chocolate bottom subsequent.

Set the truffle filled chocolates in the fridge ½ hour.

Melt the chocolate to the bottom (it's not always that I bother to tempered chocolate to the bottoms – but one should well).

Take the filled chocolates out of the refrigerator and casting bottoms.

Ask again the chocolates cool for half an hour – then easily be turned off.

If you use chocolate molds – tap edge look mod Køkkenbord – then pops the out. Do it in a clean tea towel, so little of the decline mitigated.

Silicone Molds first pull slightly on both leader – and then presses the chocolates out by press evenly on the bottom of each.

Chocolademousse with chili (will be translated upon request), grappa whipped cream and chili syrup cooked pear pieces

This may be a good bet for a super easy dessert, where there is still something exciting to come by in taste.

The bulbs will sagten made one or a few days before they are needed – and mousse can also if you like the heavy and dense. If it should be light and fluffy, it must be made earlier than a few hours prior to use. I think it is absolutely fantastic on both Maad.

The mousse is just a classic dark chokolademousse with chili. I like my chocolate mousse quite dark and without cream – så jeg foretrækker denne opskrift og bruger gerne 80% chokolade i den. Therefore, it is not very sweet – just chocolate delicious.

Giver 4 – 6 portioner.


1 dl rå rørsukker

1 dl water

1 fast pære

chili to taste


4 øko æg (maybe instead use. 4 pasteuriserede blommer og 4 pasteuriserede hvider)

140 gr mørk chokolade

chili to taste


1 dl piskefløde

1 spsk grappa (or else – i.e.. orange liqueur of some sort is a classic for chocolate)

1 tsk flormelis

How to:

Peel the pear, del den i 4 både og fjern kernehuset. Cut into slices on the short edge.

Clean the chilli and cut it into small cubes.

Of d, sugar, pear and chilli in a small saucepan and bring to the boil. Simmer over low heat, uncovered, for about. 10 minutes.

Put everything in a bowl, let it cool slightly and place it in the fridge – like the day after.

Melt the chocolate in a water bath at low heat in the dish as mousse must be assembled in.

Share while the eggs – whites in a large bowl and the egg yolks just kept short time in a small.

Finely chop the chilli as finely as you can and pour up to the egg yolks.

When the chocolate has melted, set the bowl on the chef's table to chokolade has approximately room temperature. I gently touches around it a few times along the way with a spatula and make sure to scrape any. chocolate down from sides of bowl.

Now whip the egg whites until stiff.

Stir egg yolks and chilli good in chocolate (it solidifies very quickly, so I use elmixeren the lowest gear), tilsæt hurtigt ca 1/3 af æggehviderne og fortsæt med at røre dem godt ud (still with slow mixing).

Væk med mixeren og vend de sidste æggehvider forsigtigt i massen – it is easiest with a spatula, I think. Although it must be carefully, must continue to be exactly no more stripes in – no longer, then slips the air bubbles out and those we will retain.

Hæld straks i 4 – 6 fine glas eller hvad du måtte ønske at servere i – and put them in the fridge.

Just before serving whip the cream with the spirits and icing sugar (icing sugar makes the cream can 'keep’ spirits and still whipped).

Add a layer of whipped cream on top of the mousse and top with chili pear and a little bit of syrup.


Operating syrup you can use over the next few days in the kitchen – to example. quickly boil a small glass of fresh jam with what you just fruit – or you can try other good things for the.

Eventually made with a Aji Pineapple (could easily take a more) i pæren og 2 Aribibi Gusano i moussen.

Chocolate/nut spread with chili (will be translated upon request)

If you have not tried a homemade chocolate / nøddesmørepålæg, then it can be shown only too slow. It has absolutely nothing in common with the sweet stuff that kids eat – but is concentrated, deep, dark and delicious in taste.

A good chocolate is of course a prerequisite and a little chilli gives it some edge. The strength determines the thankfully even.


140 – 150 gr god chokolade, eg. 50 gr lys og 100 gr mørk

100 gr hasselnødder

1½ dl piskefløde

60 gr blødt smør (should be at room temperature)

chili powder

½ teaspoon salt well

How to:

Nødderne ristes i ovnen ved 200 grader i ca. 10 minutes – Maybe they need a little more, perhaps less. Keep a close eye on them and mess around in them on the way. The paper-thin to begin to crack and loosen, but the nuts should not be too dark.

Rub them well in a tea towel so a good part of the husks removed. It does not need to be the whole.

The nuts blended in a food processor until they are half finely chopped. They should be a mixture of small pieces and nøddemel, so there is little to chew. You can of course make them in the consistency that you like best.

Chop the chocolate well and place in a bowl with nuts.

Heat the cream to the boil and pour immediately over the mixture and stir until the chocolate has melted.

Stir the butter into the mass and then chili and salt.

Pour the chocolate on glass and eat it within a week's time. I have had the standing in the refrigerator for several weeks without problems. However, it is now easier to lubricate at room temperature.

This portion yilds approximately 4,65 dl

Chokoladesmørepålæg med chili og nødder Chokoladenødde smørepålæg med et strejf af chili 2