Yellow chili marmalade (will be translated upon request)

Jam here is based on pepper, which is in the family with chili. If you choose to do it with mild chilli fruits, can pepper wholly or partly replaced by chili. If you want to a real boom strong little clean chilisag, it can be made in one strong chili also.

Although it's called a jam, it is not intended to lubricate clean on Sunday rolls – although it also can be used for the. It is rather a chilirelish, which can advantageously be used as an extra touch to cheese food, in the sandwich and food in general. It is also suitable as a glaze.

The taste is sweet both, tart and strong (depending on the chilies to use course). A good all-round product, used where you want a little sweetness with the strong. Ginger helps to give an extra flavor boost and may be dispensed with if you would rather have a clean chilli flavor – but I think now that the two complement each other excellently.

The half-orange and lemon provides light fruity flavor, supporting the yellow chiliers own taste. You can pour more fruit in, but my intention was at her they would let bidrage, not make jam to an orange / lemon marmalade. You do I like to clean.

Portionen her giver små 2 liter.


Yellow chillies aftertaste – like mixed

ca 500 gr. yellow bell pepper

ca 200 gr ingefær

Grated zest and juice of ½ lemon

Grated zest and juice of ½ orange

1½ kg rå rørsukker

7½ dl æblecidereddike

Gelling agent of the type to be in accordance with the sugar

Sodium benzoate

How to:

Place a small plate or bowl in the refrigerator. The use later when you test the thickness of the jam (and it should go fast when it happens).

Pour the vinegar and sugar in a large saucepan.

Grate the peel of the two half-citrus fruit (easily done while they are all). Gem skull for later.

Squeeze the juice and pour it into the pan.

Peel the ginger and cut it into smaller pieces.

Cleaning chili founders of stem, grains and optionally. freezing tolerance – unless chillies are small, you can only remove the stem. Cut chillies little rough in pieces, small chillies split once.

Chili and Ginger given a ride in the food processor until they are turned into crumbs (see picture below) – they must not be blended with moss. Pour them into the pot.

The peppers are cleaned of stem, grains and frøstole and cut into chunks.

They also get a ride in the food processor – like a slightly coarser crumbs than ginger and chilli. Pour them into the pot.

Kog blandingen op og lad den koge i 10 minutter.

Season to taste along the way and add more chopped chilli in a hurry, If there is no.

Add the gelling agent. Read the package first – most should just mix in a little sugar before they sprinkled in. Lad geleringsmidlet koge ½ eller 1 minut (read the package) and remove the saucepan from the heat. Get your cold plate in the refrigerator and pour quickly a spoonful of the mass on the plate. A consistency OK when the jam has cooled or to be more gelling agent in?

If you need more, the pan back on the heat and boil with a little more. Repeat the test.

When you are satisfied with the sample plate into the pan from the heat and citrus peel added, then Atamon as directed on the bottle.

Jam should just be a moment to cool very easily by – so that the pieces of fruit lingers in the liquid. Tube like in the en route. 5 minutter plejer at være rigeligt, but you will find uf of when you fill the first glass.

Pour the jam in clean, scalded, Atamonskyllede glass which closed immediately and quickly turned a walk upside down and back again.

Check after the first glass of fruit lingers in the mass. If it does not,, kan du vente 5 minutter mere og så prøve igen med et næste glas. De glas som du har fyldt kan du lige vende på hovedet et par gange imens de køler for at fordele sagerne.

Normally I have no challenges with this – jeg fylder bare løs efter de første 5 minutter og så bliver de fine.

It tastes best with a mild and round apple vinegar as example. Urtekrams. If you got your hands on one of the very sharp / sour, can a few dl. replaced by water.

Orange marmalade with chili (will be translated upon request)

Jam here is based on one of the classic orange marmalade, one med Hulens hot chili i – the min version. Would you like to try out the, it can be used with exactly the amount and strength chili you want, without having to adjust the volume of the other ingredients (within reasonably).

Jeg får ca 1,7 liter ud af én portion.


About . 1 kg usprøjtede appelsiner

1 usprøjtet citron

fresh chili to taste

ca 800 gr rå rørsukker

½ liter of d

maybe some. gelling (eg. Melatin)

Sodium benzoate

How to:

Place a small plate or bowl in the refrigerator. The use later when you test the thickness of the jam (and it should go fast when it happens).

Wash the oranges and lemon.

Peel the orange with a thin peels or potato peeler – only the outer orange layer of the shell to be used. Put peel in a saucepan together with the sliced ​​lemon (remove seeds). There should not be done otherwise by the lemon first.

Hæld ½ liter vand på og lad det simre under låg 15-20 minutter.

Meanwhile cut the majority of the white bitter peel the oranges – it need not be the whole, but the 'worst’ – you should not use. Now cut the oranges into slices. Deseed underway – it is easier now.

When the orange peel and lemon has simmered, added orange slices to the pan them and it all simmer now move further ½ hour with the lid on. Turn around at once underway.

Si content and then pour the liquid back into the pan.

Let the mass of the sieve cold light of (most blenders are not so fond of boiling food).

Orange pulp is then superimposed with chili, to proper consistency – there may well be little pieces of chili in I think – and met then return to the pan until the liquid.

If you want the chili completely crushed, it is a good idea to blend the first.

Tilsæt sukker og lad det simre videre 10 minutters tid.

Add the gelling agent. Read the package first – most should just mix in a little sugar before they sprinkled in. Lad geleringsmidlet koge ½ eller 1 minut (read the package) and remove the saucepan from the heat. Get your cold plate in the refrigerator and pour quickly a spoonful of the mass on the plate. A consistency OK when the jam has cooled or to be more gelling agent in?

If you need more, the pan back on the heat and boil with a little more. Repeat the test.

When you are satisfied with the sample plate into the pan from the heat and citrus peel added, then Atamon as directed on the bottle.

Remove from the heat and add atamon. Hæld on regjorte, scalded and atamonskyllede glass. Stopper to immediately and reversed equally quickly once on the head and back.

Works really well purely on bread, the cheese, in sauces and soups. Genial in pumpkin soup. Super i pandekager, possibly along with homemade butter chocolate.

Created in particular. with half 7pot Yellow