Marshmallows with chili (will be translated upon request) (and possibly. licorice)

Marshmallows are me a source of great pleasure every time I rediscover them. De er så skønne frisklavede og geniale grillede. You can make them with all kinds of flavor, so they must then also be made with chili.

One time I bought some harlequin shaped some licorice-flavored. Unfortunately, they were very synthetic in flavor and rolled in too much candy sugar. So is it obvious to make them yourself. It is awfully easy and there are several recipes around the web – both with and without egg whites.

Those with egg whites are the easiest to get to succeed – så dem bringer jeg en opskrift på her.


500 gr rå rørsukker

120 gr pasteuriseret æggehvide (or whatever you dare use of egg whites)

1 dl water

10 blade husblas

chili to taste – using a well-chilli, otherwise they taste by no

1 tsk ren vanillapulver eller korn fra en vanillastang eller 3 – 4 tsk vanillasukker (undlad vanilla in lakridsmodellen)

maybe some. licorice powder – jeg bruger 6 toptsk engelsk lakridspulver

Ingredients to roll them in:

1 dl flormelis

1 dl kartoffelmel

2 – 3 tsk lakridspulver til lakridsvarianten

How to:

Add husblas'en soak in plenty of cold water.

Mix powdered sugar, kartoffelmel and any. liquorice powder in a bowl. Aim then half out on a piece of wax paper they are put on a baking sheet.

Finthak chili as well as you can and like it.

Water and sugar are boiled together in a small saucepan.

The egg whites until stiff – like in a big kitchen machine that can do the work – but it can also be done with a hand mixer for this recipe.

The boiling sugar syrup is added egg white mass – it may not cool down first, it must be taken from the stove. Pour the syrup down the side of the bowl side – You may not frame wire whip, kogende sirup giver øjeblikkelige brændmærker på huden hvis det strinter på dig.

They soaked husblasblade bowed down with free water and add and whipped further. Add the chilli and vanilla or licorice powder during whipping.

Beat loose until the mass is so solid that you dare pour it out on the baking sheet without the time runs out – it takes some time.

Pour the mixture onto the baking pan with icing sugar mixture. Smooth it quickly and gently into an even layer. It need not be perfect – it'll look fine when they are cut into pieces.

Put the rest of the mixture of icing sugar and let the mass stiffen least a few hours – possibly. the day after.

Cut into cubes – some fun – easiest with a pizza cutter. Turn the pieces well around the icing sugar mixture underway, otherwise stick together – Each to roll around as soon as it is cut. They seem very soft and sticky when you cut them, men så snart de lige er trillet rundt i flormelisen er de rigtig fine og kan pakkes.

Yum – så er der marshmallows ;o)

Store in sealed container and keep ihvertilfælde a week, If you can keep your hands off them as long as.


You probably should not expect to be able to use an heirloom of a hand mixer for this – it requires a lot of effort of the. It goes well with a newer model, i.e.. in dual – otherwise, the large kitchen equipment in use if you have such a.

I am considering making a tangy chili / lemon flavor – update the recipe when I get it tested.

Marshmallows - ready-to-serve Marshmallows med chili og lakrids

Jeg har lavet dem med 1 Habanero pr portion – it fits perfectly.

Liqourice caramels with chili (will be translated upon request)

Here is one of the greats husfavoritter – them we have made a lot of.

Liqourice caramels with chili (will be translated upon request)


250 g sugar

½ liter milk cream whip

125 gr glukose

2 tsk flagesalt – i.e.. Maldon

chili to taste – very finely chopped

2 spsk lakridspulver

A rectangular shape – that 18×18 cm, lined with baking paper that is coated with a thin layer of oil

Licorice powder to roll them in


How to:

Glucose, sugar and cream boil over a moderate heat in a not too small saucepan.

There must be stirred frequently and more often the longer it has been cooked and not to burn on. Towards the end stir constantly. It is easiest with a wooden spatula.

Cook and stir until the caramel is nice golden brown and begin to drop the bottom of the pan – it changes like the texture slightly. Det tager mellem 20 og 40 minutter alt efter hvor meget fut du har på gryden.

When the consistency is right to be there, then add salt and stir on to you think that it is nearing completion.

Tag gryden af varmen og rør hurtigt lakridspulver og de hakkede chilier i og hæld det fluks i formen.

Cover with greaseproof paper smeared thinly with oil.

Layer caramel stand and rest at room temperature until the next day – eller ihvertilfælde ca 4 timer hvis ikke du kan vente længere.

Take caramel block out on a cutting board, dry most of the oil with a paper towel and cut it into squares rolled in liquorice powder.



You can get glucose in ex. E-deli and Special Merchant (ing links) if not your local shopping place has it. Now use a real licorice powder. You can buy from TI spices or Matas.

This recipe can pull some of the really hot chillies.

It can be difficult to hit just the right consistency of toffees each time – practice makes perfect – og de smager lige godt af den grund.

If they become too soft, they do not cooked long enough, if they become too hard, the cooked for too long.

Being toffees not tough enough, there is a high probability that they will flow out when you cut them and let them stand a little. If you find that the mass has become too soft when it has been, you can put it in the fridge in the mold for a few hours, melt some chocolate (dark, cream or white), take the cold caramel lot out and cut into small chunks which immediately turned into the melted chocolate and put out to dry. Not bad either.

Lakridskarameller - Ingredients Lakridskarameller - nearly finished Lakridskarameller - finished

1 meget stor Habanero eller 2 mindre synes jeg giver den rigtige smag

Lemon caramels with chili (will be translated upon request)


1 portion basis-karamelmasse

3 Aji chilier – like lemon or pineapple, or the like

3 økologiske citroner

3 teaspoons vanilla powder (not sugar)

1 ekstra tsk salt


How to:

Wash the lemons and grate skull pin. Save it for later.

Squeeze the juice of the lemons – the den, there shall be no flesh in – and save it for later.

Finthak chillies and save them for later.

Low caramel holders as described below basic caramels, med den forskel at når karamelmassen er næsten færdig hældes citronaften i (If you choose to use the) og der koges igen ind til karamelmassen har færdig konsistens. Add an additional teaspoon salt in this recipe, så der bruges tre i stedet for de to i basisopskriften.

Remove from the heat and add the lemon peel, pounds og vanilla – tubes really well and pour immediately in the form lined with oiled cookie sheet.

Continue as in the basic caramels.



Lemon Evening contributes little of the flavor you know from grilled lemons. It gives a good 'base’ til karamellerne synes jeg, but if you prefer a more fresh and clean taste, kan du udelade saften og bruge den til noget andet i stedet (home lichen lemonade items.).

Chritmas caramels (will be translated upon request)


1 portion basis-karamelmasse

ca 100 gr rosiner

about 1 ½ – 2 dl portvin, ROM, or other well to soak the raisins in

ca 100 gr mandler eller nødder af din yndlingsslags – mine is Brazil nuts

1 tsp vanilla powder (not sugar)

2 kanelstænger

ca 15 grønne kardemomme

1 tsk nelliker


How to:

Dag 1:

Chop coarsely raisins and put them to soak in port wine or rum – or whatever you want overnight.


Dag 2.

Hugs kardemommerne with few bumps in the mortar and remove the husk.

Pour the seeds in spice grinder along with cloves and cinnamon sticks (who has just broken into a few pieces). Mal spices to a semi-fine powder and add vanillaen. Save for later.

Chop the nuts very rough.

Make the caramel as in the recipe for basic caramel and when it is about to be het finished, add to raisins – with the possible. excess fluid.

Boil again into the mass until it is finished. How long it takes depends on how much fluid that was with raisins. Stir well while the raisins do not burn on.

When the caramel is ready take it off the heat and stir in chopped nuts. Then the spices. Stir well and pour into a bowl with oiled cookie sheet. Follow the rest of the basic recipe.



Tefal has made a really good small electric spice- and coffee grinder. It comes with two inserts – one for coffee and one for spices. Den koster ca 250 kr. Se links.

Caramels - basic recipe (will be translated upon request)



250 g sugar

½ liter milk cream whip

125 gr glukose

2 tsk flagesalt – i.e.. Maldon

A rectangular shape – that 18×18 cm, lined with baking paper that is coated with a thin layer of oil


How to:

Glucose, sugar and cream boil over a moderate heat in a not too small saucepan (ca liter).

There must be stirred frequently and more often the longer it has been cooked and not to burn on.

Towards the end stir constantly. It is easiest with a wooden spatula.

Cook and stir until the caramel is nice golden brown and begin to drop the bottom of the pan – it changes like the texture slightly. Det tager mellem 20 og 40 minutter alt efter hvor meget fut du har på gryden.

When the consistency is right to be there, then add salt and stir on to you think that it is nearing completion.

Remove from the heat pour it into the mold flux.

Cover with greaseproof paper smeared thinly with oil.

Layer caramel stand and rest at room temperature until the next day – eller ihvertilfælde ca 4 timer hvis ikke du kan vente længere.

Take caramel block out on a cutting board, tør det meste af olien af med et stykke køkkenrulle og skær den i firkanter som rulles i flormelis eller pakkes ind i slikpapir.

Tips: You can get glucose in ex. E-deli and Special Merchant (ing links) if not your local shopping place has it.

It can be difficult to hit just the right consistency of toffees each time – practice makes perfect – og de smager lige godt af den grund.

If they become too soft, they do not cooked long enough, if they become too hard, the cooked for too long.

Being toffees not tough enough, there is a high probability that they will flow out when you cut them and let them stand a little. If you find that the mass has become too soft when it has been, you can put it in the fridge in the mold for a few hours, melt some chocolate (dark, cream or white), take the cold caramel lot out and cut into small chunks which immediately turned into the melted chocolate and put out to dry. Not bad either.

This recipe tastes fine in itself – but it's fun to play with many other flavorings.


Homemade marzipan is super easy and tastes great. It can be made as coarse or fine as you want it and almonds can be used with or without skin. If you like you can even make it completely or partly with other nuts / seeds and flavorings like chili, vanilla, cardamom, cinnamon, finely grated orange- or lemon zest etc..
The picture below shows a very coarse version which I use. use as cake base.

Marzipan - grov


500 gr almonds

6-8 bitter almonds or apricot kernels

4 tbsp honey or syrup – i.e.. maple syrup

6-8 tablespoons rum (Alternatively, other spirits, juice or just water – an intense marzipan taste

is obtained by using Amaretto)

How to:

If you like, you can remove the skins from the almonds first – I do not usually, but sometimes you want a pale marzipan. The easiest way to remove the skin is by cobering the almond with boiling water, let it sit for a few minutes, drain and refill with fresh boiling water. Let sit for a few minutes again and then 'pinch' them out of the skin.

The almonds are chopped in a food processor until they have a consistency as coarse flour – try the recipe a few times to see which consistency you like best. I think that this marzipan must be more coarse than the regular store bought marzipan.

Syrup / honey is added and it it is given at few more spins.

Add spirits (or whatever you have chosen to use) and run the foodprocessor again until the mass is slightly coherent – not too much though. The mixture should be slightly sticky, maybe there a little more fluid needs to be added – depends on how finely you chopped the almonds and how large spoonfuls of syrup / honey was used.

Scrape the mixture into a bowl and squeeze it together so that it becomes a cohesive lump.

Cover the bowl with cling film and put it in the fridge.

When the mass is cold it has a consistency somewhat reminiscent of the storebought marzipan and it is easy to shape it into whatever you like.

It tastes amazing as it is. maybe some. rolled into balls that are dipped in a good quality dark chocolate – but it can be used just like the marzipan you buy both for confectionery, desserts and cakes – this version just tastes better ;o)

Marzipan - Ingredients Marzipan - mandlerne blendet til brug i en grov marcipan 086

Marzipan - smutte mandler