Tropicana (will be translated upon request) – yellow fruity chili sauce

A very versatile and delicious sauce that we at times almost daily use. The tropical flavor notes chamber does not, they could otherwise do in many sauces with the theme, but balanced fine of vinegar and strength from the chili. Garlic and onions gives the sauce something 'bottom’ in taste without to put your finger on what it is.

Certainly one of the favorites. Use it to marinade (salad, greens, fisk, meat), Catfish glaze, på pizzaen, som Chilisauce, a small spoonful of dessert, etc..

Tropicana (will be translated upon request)


1 kæmpe ananas eller 2 mindre

2 store mango eller 3 mindre (Honey Mango if possible)

Yellow chili with fruit notes, i.e.. Ananas young citrus

3 økologiske citroner

300 – 400 gr ingefær

5 dl æblecidereddike (mild, i.e.. Urtekrams)

2 dl mild olivenolie

3 – 4 løg

1 hvidløg

300 gr rå rørsukker

75 – 100 gr salt, i.e.. Himalayas

maybe some. Sodium benzoate

How to:

Make all the ingredients ready. They may be mixed in a bowl, except onions and ½ cup of the oil.

Chilierne skylles og skæres i 4-5 stykker hver.

The onion cut into cubes – as. 1 cm

The garlic peeled and each clove minced in a few.

Ginger peeled and chopped into small cubes or just sliced.

Mango skrælles og skæres i stykker på ca .2 cm.

Pineapple skrælles, divided into quarters, stick and cut the flesh into pieces of approximately. 2 cm.

Lemons are washed and rind grated finely. It must be used together with the juice, der nu presses.

Heat ½ cup oil in a large saucepan – middle varme. Step logos look, they do not take color, men der sker ikke noget hvis de gyldner lidt.

Add the remaining ingredients – except Atamon – and bring to a boil. Leave to simmer on low heat about. 20 minutes.

Tag gryden af varmen og blend med en stavblender til massen er homogen og nærmest har konsistens som en tyk sovs. Do not have a stick blender, then cooling it off to a temperature as your regular blender or food processor can handle and give it a ride several times. Back to the pan with the.

Taste and. for more sugar, Vinegar and salt. Sukkerindholdet kommer an på din smag og hvor modne frugterne er.

Cook the mass and remove it from the heat. Add perhaps. Atamon for instructions on flasken.

Put into clean, scalded glass or small bottles, who is washed Atamon or spirits.

Be tightly closed immediately. Alternatives to Atamonen can henkoge glasses / flaskerne – but durability is so not that long when you open sauce.

The batch here gives approximately. 4 liter afhængig af frugternes størrelse.

Tropicana (will be translated upon request) - with labels

Among other things used:

Tropicana (will be translated upon request) - the pizza

Grilled corn (greased grill before lift)