Plum sauce with chili (will be translated upon request)

Delicious as dippingsauce and fried or cold meats. Good for sandwiches and for adding flavor to sauces and dressings. Also a hit on curries.


Ca 2 kg blommer

4 løg

1 hvidløg

100 g frisk ingefær

2 tsk stødt ingefær

2 dl riseddike

1 dl mørk soyasauce

Revet skal og saft af 2 lime

300 – 500 gr palmesukker (depends on your preference and the sour plums are)

Chili to taste - fresh or dried

maybe some. Sodium benzoate

How to:

You can choose to remove the skin from the plums if you want. It is made easier by immersing them in boiling water for one minute, and then immediately in ice-cold water. Now the skin can be easily pulled by. Remove it if you like - it is not strictly necessary.

Remove stones from plums.

Onions, garlic, chili (if using fresh) og ingefær finthakkes.

All the ingredients - except Atamon – brought quietly to a boil in a saucepan. Start med 300 gr palmesukker og smag til igen efter puréring.

Let the sauce simmer for plums are tender and overcooked. It takes approximately. 20-30 minutter. Stir in the sometimes.

Blend the sauce with a hand blender – or let it cool to a temperature your big blender / food processor can handle and use the.

If you did not remove the skin before cooking, Do you assess the consistency is now OK and skin pureed good enough - otherwise you pass the mixture through a sieve.

Cook the plum sauce again and season - lack acid, sweetness or strength?

When the sauce is flavored remove the pan from the heat and if you use Atamon add it now as directed on the bottle.

Pour on clean scalded, and possibly. Sodium benzoate rinsed , bottles.


The color of your plum sauce depends on the plums you use and whether you use skin. If you would like to make a light sauce, the skin off and you can use light soy or omit it completely (and it will be probably a little salt in).

Of course you can also add other spices – i.e.. ground star anise will go well in this sauce.

Plum sauce with chili (will be translated upon request) - ready for cooking 007


Plum chutney with orange and chili (will be translated upon request)

Blommechutneyen here tastes although the sun and summer. The orange gives the yolks a beautiful contrast and both fit nicely with the chili.

If the plums are ripe chutney can be a bit thin. Of course you can thicken it with the gelling agent if it is – but I think now you do not mind the texture is not the same from time to time.

The portion here is quite large – divide themselves – or low at, det plejer at blive spist hurtigt ;o)

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