Red berries- or blackcurrant pie without using the oven (will be translated upon request)

The original recipe is from a very old set of 'madkort’ from Living Better. Along the way it has been adjusted and is now the house's favorite way to use currants on. It is also delicious with blackcurrant – and probably other sour berries. It is something more fresh in taste (and lighter in texture) end en traditionel cheesecake – and berries in the used throughout and fresh. Du kan nu også sagtens bruge frosne med held.

På billedet er kagen tilberedt med halvt ribs halvt solbær, serveret med min egen bærsirup med chili og rysteribs/solbær.

Solbær og ribstærte - klar til servering med sauce og rystebær


50 gr blødt smør + lidt til formen

150 g coarse grained bisquits of a kind

50 gr grofthakkede valnøddekerner

500 – 700 gr ribs (jeg bruger ca 700 gr)

200 gr flødeost (i.e. Philadelphia)

2 dl cream 38%

2 dl creme fraiche 18%

2 egg yolks

2 egg whites

100 g raw cane sugar

1 tsk vanillapulver eller 3-4 tsk vanillasukker

7 blade husblas


To garnish / topping:

maybe some. rysteribs af ribs og eller solbær, cane sugar (and like licorice powder) which stirred together and made cold – tube slightly regularly until sugar is dissolved

or ribsecoulis of blended red currants and icing sugar

or lakridssirup

or bærsirup med chili

How to:

Rib ribs to Kagen, so they are ready.

Crush the biscuits as coarse or fine as you like them and mix them with walnuts and melted butter.

Press mixture into bottom of a greased springform pan – a little bit up the edge – just 1/2 cm. You can use. back of a spoon.

Let it set in the refrigerator for ½ hour.

Soak gelatin sheets in cold water for 8 – 10 minutes.

Stir cheese, cream and sour cream together well to a smooth paste. Stir in the egg yolks and then sugar and vanilla. Stir – but shall not be whipped.

Remove the gelatin from the water and melt it over low heat with the water that clings to it.

Stir gelatin in the mix in a thin stream.

Beat egg whites until very stiff and fold them into the mass. Then turn ribsene and pour it all into the springform tin.

Style cake in the fridge for a few hours and the server directly from refrigerated bærsirup med chili, (licorice)red currants, ribscoulis or licorice syrup – or whatever you think.


Her i en version med både solbær og ribs (lige dele af hver) – serveret med min egen bærsirup med chili og rystesolbær/ribs

Solbær og ribstærte - ready-to-serve Solbær og ribstærte - klar til servering med sauce Solbær og ribstærte - klar til servering med sauce og rystebær


Peanutcookies with chili (will be translated upon request)

Opskriften her er en som jeg har brygget sammen over lidt tid.

The combination of salts peanuts, dark sugar notes, chili og mørk chokolade er meget vanedannende hvis man er chilielsker ;o)

About . 32 stk


200 gr smør

250 gram creamy peanutbutter eller 300 gram crunchy peanutbutter

150 gram ristede saltede peanuts

200 gr mørk chokolade 70-80%

225 gram muscovadosukker, molasses or brown sugar

225 gram rå rørsukker

2 store æg eller 3 små

375 gram hvedemel

1 tsk bagepulver

1 tsk natron

Crushed chili powder or to taste (jeg bruger 3-4 toptsk hot pulver)

maybe some. extra chocolate and chili for garnish

How to:

Make sure the butter is at room temperature or melted before you start.

Beat butter and peanutbutter well. Whip the two kinds of sugar in – they must not whipped completely, de må gerne knase meget.

Hak peanuts og chokolade mellemgroft og hæld dem i smørblandingen sammen med de øvrige ingredienser.

Mix everything well – add a little water if absolutely necessary – but hand heat should be enough to soften the butter and combine them.

Roll balls of dough the size of a good tablespoon. Rul evt. 32 kugler med det samme, so the dough distributed 'right'.

Sæt 8 kugler på en bageplade beklædt med bagepapir og tryk dem let flade (6 – 8 cm). They flow together and a bit out during baking, so it does not matter that the dough 'break’ i lidt patient. it goes nemmest if you dip your fingers in a bowl hiking when you press them flade – It does not matter that they get a little wet.

Bag dem i hold ved 180 grader i ca. 12 minutter. Keep an eye on them – maybe they should have a minute or two more or less in your oven. They must be finished, but not browned, on the surface and still soft in the middle.

List baking paper with the cookies gently plate and onto the kitchen table and let them cool a minute or two before they very carefully with a wide spatula moved to a wire rack to cool completely.

When they are cold, they can alternatively. decorated with melted chocolate and more chilli.

Store in a tightly sealed cake tin possibly. lined with baking paper.

I kagerne på billedet har jeg har brugt 3 toptsk knust chili af en hot variant hjembragt fra en tur i Indien. Cakes may take a little more chili than most people think, so be not nearly the first time.

Chilli upstairs is a 'Vaada’ knust chili (pul biber) which ones you can buy from immigrant greengrocers. This is a strong possibility – they can be obtained from all mild and deropad.

Is not the chili will be some really good regular cookies without.


Cookies do can be frozen with contains. We pack them in pairs to wrap. They can be eaten straight from the freezer.

Peanutcookies with chili (will be translated upon request) - mange Peanutcookies with chili (will be translated upon request) - ready for eating

Whities med hvid chili og citron

Whities is a kind of brownies made of white chocolate. Inspired by browniesuccesen – I have therefore created them here.

ca 25 stk


300 gr hvid chokolade

250 gr butter

150 gr rå rørsukker

4 æg

200 gr hvedemel

1 øko citron

1 small teaspoon salt

1 tsp vanilla powder (not vanilla sugar) or grain fra a vanilla tang

chili to taste, possibly. white – I use fresh (like from the freezer)

100 gr mandelflager – or slip finely chopped almonds


How to:

Smelt smør og 200 gr hvid chokolade sammen i en lille gryde ved meget meget svag varme (white chocolate burns easily on). You will probably find that it does not melt well together, eventually start a chocolate gryne and accumulate the protein compounds in butter is such that there is a portion of liquid chocolate at the bottom of the pan with a fine layer of clarified butter upstairs. That's just fine. Stil det til side 10 min. so it can cool down.

Turn on the oven at 175 degrees celsius.

Liberating chillies for core and chop medium-fine. I like that you have to be able to bite into small pieces chili, but not for large.

Grate the lemon rind finely and squeeze the juice of the lemon.

When the oven is running hot, Beat eggs and sugar until light and frothy.

Beat butter / chocolate mixture into. Whip map at a high speed – Just for this is mixed well. Note that this is a different process to brownies.

Turn flour, salt, lemon peel- and syrup, chili, vanilla and almonds in.

Hæld det i en form på ca 25 x 25 cm og bag dem midt i ovnen i ca 25 minutter ved 175 grader. The cake should be very soft in the middle – almost liquid, but of course completely done.

Cool the cake – like in a refrigerator. Smelt de sidste 100 gr chokolade og pensl/smør kagen med det. Let the chocolate harden. Cut then the cake into small square chunks and serve.



You can easily use ground chili – experience is just another.

Remember: good ingredients gives good taste.

Marzipan cake pieces (will be translated upon request) – traditional

ca 18 stk


Ingredients, marzipan:

500 g marzipan

200 gr flormelis, as

1 æggehvide


Ingredients, glaze:

½ tsp vinegar – any apple vinegar

1 æggehvide

ca 150 gr flormelis


How to:

Knead the marzipan and icing sugar. Pisk æggehviden let med en gaffen og ælt den ind i massen lidt ad gangen. The mixture should be soft, but not glued. Being the sticky, can be adjusted with a little more icing sugar.

Mål massen af i klumper af 40 gram og form dem til små tykke pølser, where pressed look of the classic triangular shape.

Put them on two baking sheets (doubled) lined with baking parchment.

Bages ved 230 grader i forvarmet ovn 8 – 10 minutes. Keep a close eye on them and remove them immediately they are golden brown.

Let them cool on the plate – they are very soft when hot.

Mix the ingredients for the glaze and spray them on the cooled cake pieces. You can shape a cone of wax paper and use – or use a small freezer bag. Pour the mixture into the bag and cut a small corner of. Charge icing dry completely.

Store in a cake tin with baking paper.



You need two baking sheets on top of each other for not getting the cakes too dark at the bottom

You can not make cake with hot air – use conventional oven.

You can of course make them in a different form and in a different weight / size if you like – but since they have such a short time in the oven, it is important that they have the same size – try any of the.

Før ovn

Brownies with chili (will be translated upon request)

On a chilly day it works great with a cup of good, strong, freshly ground coffee and chilibrownies. I think that they are best when they have 'set themselves’ refrigerated until the following day (and the following days).

Yum – de er nogle af yndlingskagerne her ;o)


200 gr god mørk chokolade ca 70 – 80 %

250 gr butter

150 gr rå rørsukker

4 æg

150 gr hvedemel

1 small teaspoon salt

4 spsk kakaopulver

100 gr hvid chokolade

chili to taste – I use fresh (like from the freezer)

150 – 200 gr valnøddekerner


How to:

Smelt smør og chokolade sammen i en lille gryde ved meget svag varme og stil det til side så det kan køle lidt af.

Turn on the oven at 175 degrees celsius.

Liberating chillies for core and chop medium-fine. I like that you have to be able to bite into small pieces chili, but not for large.

Chop the white chocolate very rough. Do the same with walnuts, they will almost halved just think I.

When the oven is running hot, Beat eggs and sugar until light and frothy.

Turn flour, salt, cocoa, chili, nuts and white chocolate.

Reversible butter / chocolate mixture into. Although it should be turned well, touch as little of it as possible, so the eggs retain a little airiness.

Hæld det i en form på ca 25 x 25 cm og bag dem midt i ovnen i ca 25 minutter ved 175 grader. The cake should be very soft in the middle – almost liquid, but see baked on the outside.

Cool the cake – like in the refrigerator and cut then into small square chunks and serve.


You can easily use ground chili – experience is just another.

Now use a good chocolate and organic eggs. Gode ingredienser giver god smag.

Brownies with chili (will be translated upon request) - storproduktion Brownies with chili (will be translated upon request) - mums Brownies with chili (will be translated upon request) - men flødechokolade på toppen Brownies with chili (will be translated upon request) - finished cake Brownies with chili (will be translated upon request) - og en klat flødeskum

Tried with particular:

– 2 aribibi gusano, 2 aji pineapple, 2 balloon. Was yummy. Fine chilibid in a way where everyone can eat it – one can smages chilien.

– 3 aribibi gusano, 2 aji pineapple, 2 balloon. The extra Aribibi could not particularly taste. Kan godt forsøges med 1 mere næste gang.

– 4 aribibi gusano og 4 aji pineapple. Most can easily be here. Not strong, but a pleasant sensation of chilli in 'aftertaste’

– 8 aribibi gusano – min favorit ;o)