Armadillo Eggs (will be translated upon request)

Not my recipe – but one of those that 'everybody’ knows, just like Atomic Buffalo Turds. A delicious way to vary the ways you use your Jalapeños. Other kinds of chili can of course also be used. Here is one of the models I make.

Armadillo Eggs (will be translated upon request)


Jalapeños or other kinds of chili

Cheddar cheese

Cream cheese of a kind


Minced meat – it could be minced beef or . raw sausage mince – ordinary. pork meat also works really well

Barbecue spice (will be translated upon request) – or other spice mix

Pinch of salt

maybe some. a bit eggs

How to:

Vask chilierne, cut the top of them and deseed them. Use a Jalapeño-DECORER or peak, sharp knife.

Grate the cheddar cheese coarsely and mix with cream cheese. I think that equal amounts of each works well. Also add flavor gives as example. crushed garlic.

Fill cheese chillies – it is easiest with fingers or a table knife.

Mix the batter with spices and a little salt. Do not be stingy with seasoning. If the batter is too loose and gritty, can add a little beaten egg (1 -2 tsk) – I think as a rule, it is necessary.

Apply a little oil in a circle on your cutting board or a smooth, clean kitchen. This is done so that the stuffing does not need to hang in.

Form a small ball father's hand – roll it well (but quickly, so it does not get heated up too much) and squeeze it slightly between both palms. If you start doing this, hangs stuffing better together.

Add fars'pandekagen’ the oil-lubricated cutting board / board and gently press the stuffing out so it has the same height over the place.

Add a chili on the stuffing and wrap the stuffing well together chili, so that is covered with an even layer all over. Make sure there are no cracks and holes into the chili.

Sprinkle all 'eggs’ with a little spice all the way around and put them cool, if they do not need to be prepared with the same.

Grilles on udegrillen – preferably with smoke – or in the oven. In the oven can high heat, however, also make it. Serve with whatever you fancy.


It is one of the recipes, where you do not have to hang on too much in the exact ingredients – the idea is to use. Try items. switching barbecuekrydderiet out with your favorite spice blend or just (smoked (not translated yet)) paprika maybe. Garlic is not needed, If you do not like it. There may sagten mix other goodies in the filling. Finely chopped, fresh cilantro in the filling or stuffing I am very fond of – and there is plenty of opportunity to experiment here also. En godt krydret rå pølsefars er også rigtig lækker i stedet for oksekødet.
The chili can of course also be varied and may sagten divided into several pieces, either in small pieces' tube’ or longitudinally.

Also, try to wrap bacon on them – it can help keep the stuffing bit of space and taste the super.

Make a little more than you need, if it is important that they are neat. I always think that a few 'break’ during cooking so little cheese runs out. They taste the still good, but if the presentation is important, so low abundant.

Have you filled to spare, then it may well be used for other things. Just smeared on a piece of bread which then grilled, is really delicious. It can also be filled in some chilli or pepper as grilled (without father) – og måske drysses med lidt grønt ved servering.

Armadillo Eggs (will be translated upon request) - Ingredients Armadillo Eggs (will be translated upon request) - chilierne renses Armadillo Eggs (will be translated upon request) - rensede chilier klar til fyld Armadillo Eggs (will be translated upon request) - ostefyldet blandes Armadillo Eggs (will be translated upon request) - ostefyld Armadillo Eggs (will be translated upon request) - de fyldte chilier Armadillo Eggs  fars og krydderier Armadillo Eggs (will be translated upon request) - lidt olie hjælper Armadillo Eggs (will be translated upon request) - olie i en cirkel Armadillo Eggs (will be translated upon request) - farsen klappes først ud i hånden Armadillo Eggs (will be translated upon request) - farsen klappes ud Armadillo Eggs (will be translated upon request) - chilien pakkes i farsen Armadillo Eggs (will be translated upon request) - første Armadillo Egg er rullet Armadillo Eggs (will be translated upon request) - alle chili er pakket i fars Armadillo Eggs (will be translated upon request) - drysset med krydderi Armadillo Eggs (will be translated upon request) - finished Armadillo Eggs (will be translated upon request) Armadillo Eggs (will be translated upon request) - serveres

Below are the remains of the filling smeared on some great pieces rosmarinflute, som efterfølgende er grillet i ovnen og serveret med skiver af bøftomat og røget chilisalt.

Armadillo Eggs (will be translated upon request) - rester af fyldet på brød 1 Armadillo Eggs (will be translated upon request) - rester af fyldet på brød 2 Armadillo Eggs (will be translated upon request) - rester af fyldet på brød 3


Armadillo Eggs of ground beef from John Memorial. A big hit. They strung him along and tasted super delicious. Goat cheese in chillies and various spices in the meat (barbecue + 2 slags chili):

Armadillo Eggs (will be translated upon request) - på gris 1 Armadillo Eggs (will be translated upon request) - på gris 2

Fruit- og bærsirupper med chili (not translated yet)

It's easy to make your own fruit- or bærsirup and the many delicious summer fruits can thus help to make winter a much needed summer breath of fresh air.

The syrups can be used for many things in the kitchen – and sweetness, seasoning, strength (chili etc.) one can happily self-adjust according to your own taste buds.

Syrups may also include. used for ice cream and other soft desserts, on cakes, as a marinade for fresh fruit – like with a bit of balsamic vinegar. In this way, (with a bit of high vinegar or citrus juices) er nogle sirupper også velegnet til fisk og sammen med olie som salatdressing. Rene to spice up a tame jam up, in a glass of milk or nog, a little bit in marinades for meat and a few teaspoons of sauce, med vand og isterninger som saftevand, in drinks, for red cabbage – raw or cooked, et bløp i den varme te og meget mere.

I'm expanding with more pictures and ideas when I make the next several syrups – så kig endelig forbi igen ;o)

Jordbær-rabarber-ribs-chili-sirup - med label


Fruit and / or wear

Liquid glucose

Raw cane sugar

Chili to taste

maybe some. water

maybe some. citric acid or citric acid

maybe some. vanilla and / or other (the) spices

maybe some. Sodium benzoate

How to:

Clean fruits / berries and rinse them well. Remove the stones from stone fruits and cores from apples, bulbs etc.. – but do not peel unless it is damaged. Stones from cherries and apricots can leave some pieces boil with the – it gives a slightly almond flavor.

Share the rewards of not too large, uniform pieces. It is not necessary to share the small berry, but ex. jordbær skærer jeg i ca 4 skiver hver.

Fill a small body of water in the pot as you need, only about half cm.Frugten into the pot with the water that clings to the flushing.

Clean and finthak chilli and place in.

Add perhaps. whole spices and maybe a little lemon zest and juice.

Place a small porcelain- or glazed clay bowl or plate on ice.

Put the lid on the pan and heat slowly fruit mass to the boil. It should go slowly, so it does not burn on the bottom. Let the mass simmer until the fruit is tender and cooked out, but no longer.

Let the mass drain for a juice bag that you want to turn it into jelly. You do not need the last drops any. pectin-juice here, but on the other hand, there is no reason to let the good juice go to waste, let the mass drain minimum a few hours – but overnight is also perfectly fine.

Measure the juice and put it back into the pan. Tilsæt ca 5 gr flydende glucose og ca 50 gr rå rørsukker pr dl saft og kog saften op. Let it simmer on low heat until it begins to thicken slightly. It can take half an hour for a small portion of about half a liter for many hours for a larger pot full. During test the syrup until the consistency is OK. This is done by taking the icy plate out of the fridge, pour a teaspoon of juice on the, stiller den tilbage på køl i 2 minutter og tager den ud igen og rører i siruppen med en finger. Is it the right consistency? – otherwise it must cook a little longer. The plate cleaned quickly and put back in fridge, so it is ready for next test.

If you underway in indkogningen seems to juice is too tart, add just a little more sugar. Remember to sukkeriinholdet course also focused on the way, then season with forethought. Once you have added extra sugar, it is a good idea to make a plate test right away it is dissolved, when the sugar syrup thickens.

No matter how good a plate test has been made, the syrup will almost always felt a bit tykkeret when it cools down in the bottle – stop when the consistency is just by being there. Do you sense that the syrup is too thick, then add a little boiling water (did not cold water in the boiling sugar mass).

Is syrup sweet, you may. taste with a little more lemon juice or a bit of citric acid.

You'll soon notice that the syrup missing chili, so clean and halve some chillies and let them boil the syrup until you think it's strong enough. Remember that the only eat a little at a time, so it may well be in the semi-hot end of what you prefer.

Boils you only a small portion to be eaten fairly quickly, then there is no need to use preservatives. Make sure your bottles are clean and nyskoldede. The sugar preserves part and syrup kept cool.

Remove from the heat and remove the foam (it tastes good on a piece of bread).

Do you Atamon, accepted it as directed on the bottle.

Pour the syrup in bottles and close them immediately.


You can easily use a juicer to get your fruit- and berry juice with.

When the syrup is boiled into, you can add a whole spices, if you seem to be a little more fun in syrup – vanilla is always a hit, use cereals and bars. Fish spices up, when the taste is as you want. They will not usually with bottled, but you can. I have ex. apple syrup made with the cinnamon sticks in the cylinders – it worked fine – and vanilla bars can of course sagten make and decorate.

Both pure fruit syrups and mixtures are good. With the exception of red berries, I blend rarely more than two kinds of – flavor becomes too mix when there is more than two, I think. Some fruits / berries taste after in mind not enough by itself in a syrup – here it may well be an advantage to give them a little counteraction.

If the drained juice is very sweet in itself, do not you start with a little less sugar per cup. It is easy to add more when indkogningen is in progress.

If you want to make a clean, hot chili syrup, clean and finely chopping chillies (blender or food processor is fastest). Come mass in a pot of water that just covers. Bring det i kog og lade det småsimre 10 minutters tid. Sieve the mixture through a normal køkkensi and squeeze the last remnants of the juice through the sieve with the back of a spoon. Measure the liquid and proceed as above from the country that you otherwise might have been with the juice from fruits and berries.

Pictures of Strawberry-rhubarb-currant-chilli syrup

Jordbær-rabarber-ribs-chili-sirup - Ingredients Jordbær-rabarber-ribs-chili-sirup - klar i gryden Jordbær-rabarber-ribs-chili-sirup - boil Fruit- og bærsirupper med chili (not translated yet) - der skal afskummes Fruit- og bærsirupper med chili (not translated yet) - afskummet Jordbær-rabarber-ribs-chili-sirup - færdig 1 Jordbær-rabarber-ribs-chili-sirup - færdig 2 Jordbær-rabarber-ribs-chili-sirup - med label

Fruit- og bærsirupper med chili (not translated yet) - afskummet smager forrygende Jordbær-rabarber-ribs-chili-sirup - på Peters Is vanilla Fruit- og bærsirupper med chili (not translated yet) - på chokoladeis

Here a version with raspberries, strawberries, currants and Habanero

Syrup with chili - strawberries - raspberries - ribs

….og her en med hindbær, strawberries, ribs, rhubarb, lots of vanilla, mixed Habanero, Red Morouga and BOC.

Syrup with chili - Hot Sweetie

Citruschilisauce (will be translated upon request)

Citronchilier have their name because they are lemon yellow, not because they taste of lemon. Many of them taste fresh and summery – it is a flavor nature which appear to be associated with the yellow color, although the white chili and some orange and red also have it in the same manner. The sauce here is my idea of ​​how I could wish that a lemon chili tasted the food. The sauce has been adjusted many times with different flavorings, but when I returned to the basic recipe and replaced some of the lemon with lime, was the sudden just right.

A multi-use flavoring that can provide against- and players in most 'ends’ of the kitchen. Try it touched with a little oil, salt and pepper as barbecue marinade for fish, shrimp and vegetables, or in the same manner as salad dressing, – in cream / sour cream to salad or freshly cooked and possibly. grilled potatoes or perhaps as a dip for vegetables etc.. In the dessert as an integral part or to the side of the facing with a little cream or whipped cream. Try to turn the cooked rice with a teaspoon of this before serving – or a spoonful touched with soft butter to warm baguettes or steak.

Citruschilisauce (will be translated upon request)


Chillies to taste

ca 10 usprøjtede citroner

ca 10 usprøjtede limefrugter

3 dl æblecidereddike – use a gentle and soft as ex. Urtekrams

400 gr rå rørsukker

75 gr salt

possibly. Sodium benzoate

How to:

Wash chili fruits and remove the stem. Remove the seeds, if you do not want to have them in the sauce. Cut the fruit into chunks as herhefter blended with æbleeddiken in food processor or blender. Come mass in the pan.

Wash ctrusfrugterne and tear off the colored part of the peel finely. Getting shell in the pan.

Fjern det meste af den hvide skræl med en skarp kniv. It does not matter that there is little left, but not too much.

Skær citrusfrugterne i skiver og fjern kernerne. Blend skiverne godt og passér massen gennem en sigte og ned i gryden. It goes easily with a small spoon. Throw the pulp away when all the juice is squeezed out of the.

Add the sugar and to about. half of the salt and bring the mixture to the boil. Lad det koge ved middel varme i ca 10 minutter uden låg og under jævnlig omrøring. Taste along the way to the more salt, if you think. It may depend on how big and sweet both lemons and limes are, how much salt sauce requires.

Remove the sauce from the heat and add Atamon (if you use it) as directed on the bottle.

Pour immediately cleaned, scalded and optionally. Atamonskyllede bottles which immediately closes.


På billedet har jeg brugt i alt 230 gr blandede chili – yellow unknown Habanero and Habanero Hot Lemon. It gives an OK hot sauce, which I think is appropriate in strength, as you can not use much of it at a time – but play you finally reach a flavor combination that suits you MHT. chilli variety and quantity – thus strengthening.

The batch here gives about 1 ½ liters of sauce, but it'll come naturally depends on the amount chili and citrus fruit size.

Taste and. the sauce with more spices, or do as I: use them rather with the sauce, so there can be varied slightly in different flavors. It could be freshly grated ginger, ground coriander, ground cumin, sumak, crushed juniper mm. It is delicious with garlic and it is very suitable with fresh herbs.

Citruschilisauce (will be translated upon request) - Ingredients Citruschilisauce (will be translated upon request) - chili klar til blendning Citruschilisauce (will be translated upon request) - chili blendet Citruschilisauce (will be translated upon request) - revet citrusskal Citruschilisauce (will be translated upon request) - citrus skrælles og skkøres i skiver Citruschilisauce (will be translated upon request) - citrus klar til blendning Citruschilisauce (will be translated upon request) - citrus blendet Citruschilisauce (will be translated upon request) - citrusmassen passeres gennem sigte Citruschilisauce (will be translated upon request) - ready for cooking

Some pictures of some of the possible applications:

For the vegetables to the grill

Citruschilisauce (will be translated upon request) - på grønsager til grillen

For pasta salad – mixed first with a good lemon olive oil and so thise 'Amber Aage', chilli chorizo ​​and a little tomato

Citruschilisauce (will be translated upon request) - med citronolivenolie Citruschilisauce (will be translated upon request) - i pastasalaten sammen med citronolivenolie

At increased pork on the grill (meat from John Memorial)

Citruschilisauce (will be translated upon request) - stegeflæsk til grillen Citruschilisauce (will be translated upon request) - stegeflæsk grillet

Butter touched with the sauce – it can attend difficult to touch all the way into the butter, but it does not matter – it's delicious anyway

Citruschilisauce (will be translated upon request) - smør før røring Citruschilisauce (will be translated upon request) - smør rørt Citruschilisauce (will be translated upon request) - smør med masser af sauce i Citruschilisauce (will be translated upon request) - smør på godt brød

The grilled pork chop (meat from John Memorial)

Citruschilisauce (will be translated upon request) - grillet wienerschnitzel

For vanilla ice (there is muscovadokaramelsauce with licorice and chili at the bottom)

Citruschilisauce (will be translated upon request) - on ice

At long ribs – de er marineret i saucen 24 timer inden de kom på grillen (meat from John Memorial – they should be just braised before grilling next time)

Citruschilisauce (will be translated upon request) - longribs marineres Citruschilisauce (will be translated upon request) - grillede longribs



Bones braised in red wine and chili (will be translated upon request)

Remember stegeben – or 'good legs’ as they were called here – they just got a revival in my kitchen. Our new supplier of meat had a few bags lying when we last downloaded meat on the farm ( and so wildly delicious out and was very meaty. Haps. I would like to give them a little lift and it was for this little project which fortunately did the first time. It's really good legs.

Bones braised in red wine and chili (will be translated upon request)


4 – 5 kg kødfulde stegeben

1 flaske rødvin

Chillies to taste – i.e.. one Habanero Chocolate

2 store løg

1 hvidløg



2 toptsk muscovado eller anden mørk sukker

olive oil


Gastriq eller lidt æbleeddike + mørk sukker

1 dl fløde

How to:

Season the legs with salt and pepper.

Cut the onion into small pieces and some garlic in half.

Cut the fresh chilli, sliced.

Brown the legs in a pan in a mixture of olive oil and butter and add to the pan with the spirit as they are finished.

Brown the onions so they get color and add to the pan along with the cut garlic, brown sugar and chili.

Pour red wine by and fill with water until it reaches the upper leg – but they are not to be covered.

Put the lid on the pot and bring to the boil. Skru ned sådan at den simrer og lad den gøre det i 2 timer.

When the legs are done remove and keep warm – possibly. i et fad i ovnen ved svag varme.

Strain the sauce and put it in a (like less) pot. Lad den koge ind til ca 1/3. Taste now with gastriq and cream and even possibly. the sauce a little if it penetrates. Taste also with salt and pepper and a little more chilli if you like.

Server legs with ex. steamed vegetables or mash and a little of the sauce. The sauce is very close in taste.


Cheating now not allow yourself to have a good gastriq below – it does wonders ift. To round a sauce like this of.

Lige inden servering kan benene få et par minutter under grillen i ovnen det bliver de bestemt ikke dårligere af.

The legs can be covered by only one layer baking paper and then a layer of aluminum foil and genvarmes in the oven. Remember baking paper between when there is chili in court – otherwise 'etches’ food the foil.

Bones braised in red wine and chili (will be translated upon request) - Ingredients Bones braised in red wine and chili (will be translated upon request) - salt og peber på kødet Bones braised in red wine and chili (will be translated upon request) - løg og hvidløg skåret Bones braised in red wine and chili (will be translated upon request) - chili skåret Bones braised in red wine and chili (will be translated upon request) - kødet brunes Bones braised in red wine and chili (will be translated upon request) - de fleste af ingredienserne i gryden Bones braised in red wine and chili (will be translated upon request) - rødvin og vand hældt på Bones braised in red wine and chili (will be translated upon request) - klar i fadet Bones braised in red wine and chili (will be translated upon request) - klar i fadet en anden dag


Chili pickled cucumbers

Chili pickled cucumbers


2 large cucumbers or equal amount of smaller ones

3 dl vinegar of own choice – household vinegar, apple cider vinegar, malt vinegar i.e..

1½ dl water

1-2 dl sugar to taste, depends on preferred acidity

4 tsp salt

A couple of chilies to taste – cut into rings or simply halved and possibly cleaned of seeds

1 tbsp yellow mustard seeds

10 juniper berries

4-6 bay leaves

Sodium benzoat (E-211) - see instructions on bottle

How to:

Slice cucumbers into not too thin slices, and drizzle with the salt. Leave them in the fridge for 2 hours.

Let the cucumbers drip dry in a sieve for half an hour. Don't rinse them.

Fill into clean, sterilized jars and the rest of the ingredients (except Sodium benzoat) is brougt to a boil. Remove the pan from the heat and leave it to cool for 10 minutes, whereafter Sodium benzoat is added, pour over cucumbers. Close jars immediately.

Cucumbers must now be left alone for at least a week and may then either be eaten or stored for longer. Keep refridgerated after opened - also before if you've got the room for it.

If you have produced chilioil or -honey using the method where chilies are boiled in vinegar first – the vinegar can be used for this recipe afterwards. Fill up to measure with fresh vinegar then.

Chili pickled cucumbers - hvide faerdige agurker

Including a version with small cucumber into thick slices, hvor lagen består af ren lagereddike med 500 gr rå rørsukker pr. liter.

Cucumbers are treated as described above.

I hvert 314 ml glas er agurkerne lagt lagvis med 1 gul Habanero i tynde skiver og ca 2½ tsk korianderfrø.

Husk at lade lagen stå 10 minutter inden du evt. Atamon comes in and pours it over.

Chili pickled cucumbers - Habanero og koriander Chili pickled cucumbers - Habanero og koriander i glasset


A very fresh and spicy cheesecake with a loads of taste in every little bite. The oranges complements the delicious creamy rhubarb filling with a little extra acidity and freshness and the chili provides a surprising extra dimension to the cake.


Ingredients for rhubarb compote:

1 kg rhubarb stalks

350 g raw cane sugar

fresh chopped chilli to taste

1 tsp vanilla powder (or seeds from 1 pod or 3-4 tsp vanilla sugar)

finely grated zest from 3 – 4 organic oranges

Ingredients for base:

75 g melted butter plus a small amout for greasing the springform pan

150 g coarse grained bisquits of a kind

100 g coarsely chopped walnut kernels

Ingredients for filling:

300 g cream cheese (i.e. Philadelphia)

2 dl cream 38%

2 dl creme fraiche 18%

2 egg yolks

2 egg whites

100 g raw cane sugar

fresh chopped chilli to taste

1 tsp vanilla powder (or seeds from 1 pod or 3-4 tsp vanilla sugar)

8 sheets of gelatin

Ingredients for jelly:

juice from 3 – 4 organic oranges

juice from the rhubarb compote

2 – 4 tbsp liquid honey

6 sheets of gelatin


How to – rhubarb compote:

Remove leaves from rhubarbs and rinse the stalks well. There is a small membrane near the 'feet', which can be carefuly pulled or scraped of. You will need about 1 kg cleansed stalks. Part them lengthwise if they're very thick. Cut them in approx ½ – 1 cm pieces. Put the rhubarbs in a baking pan with the sugar, add finely chopped chili, finely grated orange zest and vanilla. Mix everything well.

Bake in preheated oven set at 200 degrees celcius for about 20 minutes until tender (rhubarbs soft, but still in whole pieces). Flip them around in the pan in 5 minutes intervals. Take out baking pan and let cool completely on the kitchen table, so that the rhubarb pieces cools down covered in their own juice.

How to – base:

Crush the biscuits as coarse or fine as you like them and mix them with walnuts and melted butter.

Press mixture into bottom of a greased springform pan. Use your fingers or the backside of a ladle.

Let it set in the refrigerator for ½ hour.

How to – filling:

Put the rhubarbs in a sieve with a bowl underneath and leave them to drip 'dry' (save the juice for making the jelly) – make small pancake flips a few times while draining, so that the rhubarbs will be gently turned and drained all over.

Soak gelatin sheets in cold water for 8 – 10 minutes.

Whip cream cheese, cream, creme fraiche and sugar until it reaches the consistensy of lightly whipped cream. Add egg yolks, chili and vanilla. Don't mix it in until the gelatin is added.

Remove the gelatin from the water and melt it over low heat with the water that clings to it.

Stir gelatin in the mix in a thin stream. Stir quickly while doing so.

Whip egg whites untill very stiff and fold them into the mix together with the drained rhubarb pieces. Pour the mix into the springform pan and flatten the surface gently. Cover with cling film.

Refridgerate the cake for at least a couple of hours – maybe until next day.

If you let it cool until the next day, then wrap the oranges one by one in clingfilm or put them in an airtight box and keep them in the fridge. Also save the rhubarb juice in the fridge.

How to – jelly:

Soak gelatin sheets in cold water for 8 – 10 minutes.

Squeeze the oranges and mix the juice with rhubarb juice and honey.

Remove the gelatin from the water and melt it over low heat with the water that clings to it.

Stir gelatin in the juice mix in a thin stream. Stir quickly while doing so. Wait 5-10 minutes while the juice is setting just a bit so that the consistency is like syrup.

Pour the mix gently over the cake and refrigerate again for a minimum of 4 hours until serving. Jelly must be easy to cut, not runny.


I use 1 Habanero for each of the rhubarb compote and the rest of the filling – that is 2 in all.

Use a springform pan larger than 25 cm if possible. I used 25 cm in the photos – in my first making of this cake - and it was filled to the brim and therefore almost impossible to balance with until jelly stiffened. If your largest springform pan is 25 cm, you can save a few dl of the filling in a small bowl of its own, when making the cake, all will be well – and you can use the extra filling for a bonus dessert.

Use organic or pasteurized eggs. Organic will taste the best (but be aware of what the health issues are in your country when using raw eggs).

The filling can be cut with at knife, it is very soft though, almost like a mousse. If you prefer a more firm texture, then use a few extra sheets of gelatine.

Rhubarb-orange-chili-cheesecake - ingredients Rhubarb-orange-chili-cheesecake - det nederste af fødderne skæres af rabarberne Rhubarb-orange-chili-cheesecake - de snittede rabarber Rhubarb-orange-chili-cheesecake - med de andre smagsgivere Rhubarb-orange-chili-cheesecake - før bagning Rhubarb-orange-chili-cheesecake - after baking Rhubarb-orange-chili-cheesecake - valnødder og kiks til bunden Rhubarb-orange-chili-cheesecake - base Rhubarb-orange-chili-cheesecake - klar til at blande fyld Rhubarb-orange-chili-cheesecake - fyldet blandes færdigt Rhubarb-orange-chili-cheesecake - fyldet er færsigt og lagt på bunden Rhubarb-orange-chili-cheesecake - klar til gelé Rhubarb-orange-chili-cheesecake - klar til sidste skridt Rhubarb-orange-chili-cheesecake - den flotte gelé skal stivne Rhubarb-orange-chili-cheesecake - den færdige kage 1 Rhubarb-orange-chili-cheesecake - den færdige kage 2 Rhubarb-orange-chili-cheesecake - den færdige kage 3

Atomic Buffalo Turds (will be translated upon request)

A good chili classic that can be varied in lots of ways.

Atomic Buffalo Turds (will be translated upon request) - teaser


Jalapeños – like green

In cremet ost, i.e.. Philadelphia, Savoury, Smoked cheese e.a.

Small, delicious sausages – i.e.. well seasoned small eco cocktail sausages

Good bacon into thin slices – like smoked and eco

maybe some. spices (kunne være noget i stil med 2 spsk muscovadosukker + 1 spk røget paprika + 1 spsk chilisalt)

maybe some. in Chilisauce eller barbecuesauce, like slightly sweet and strong

How to:

Wash Jalapeñoerne and share them along. It's a good idea to share them so that they can be 'nicely'.

Remove the seeds and frøstolen, it is most easily done with a small teaspoon.

Butter cheese with a butter knife. Fill them about half, so that to make a slight indentation along.

Pressure A small plug into each half.

Wrap a good slice of bacon. You can alternatively. fæstne bacon’en med en smagsneutral trætandstik.

If you are using spice, then came the bacon and presented it to look.

Now you can save ATB'erne covered in the fridge to be cooked. You can also freeze them for later use (without toothpick, if you use them).

When ATB'erne be cooked, you can use the oven or grill. They taste great if you have the opportunity to grill them with some smoke.

Grilles for bacon is crisp.

Serve as is or with a little chilli- or barbecue sauce.


Instead of the spices you can brush a little chili- or barbecuesauce on bacon indene grilling.

If you use the oven, så stil den på grilltemperatur eller meget varmt 250-275 grader og stil ATB’erne midt i ovnen, not quite up under the grill body.

Using just the fillings and the possible. spices and dippingsauce as you like – there is room for antics. Can be used as a full court with some nice accessories. Good quality sausages and bacon (from animals with curl on the tail) kan smages og løfter denne lille snack/forret/ret til en sublim deltager på chilimadbordet.

Green Jalapenos tastes are not necessarily particularly strong. The longer time they have been sitting on the plant the stronger. You can also wait until they are mature, if you want a little more strength – just as you obviously can make Turds with other chilli varieties.

Atomic Buffalo Turds (will be translated upon request) - ingredients Atomic Buffalo Turds (will be translated upon request) - chilierne deles og kernerne skrabes ud Atomic Buffalo Turds (will be translated upon request) - de halve chilier er klar Atomic Buffalo Turds (will be translated upon request) - der fyldes lidt ost i Atomic Buffalo Turds (will be translated upon request) - alle er klar med osten i Atomic Buffalo Turds (will be translated upon request) - en pølse presses let i hver Atomic Buffalo Turds (will be translated upon request) - alle klar med pølser i Atomic Buffalo Turds (will be translated upon request) - der vikles et stykke bacon om hver Atomic Buffalo Turds (will be translated upon request) - alle er pakket fint ind Atomic Buffalo Turds (will be translated upon request) - krydderierne Atomic Buffalo Turds (will be translated upon request) - de blandede krydderier Atomic Buffalo Turds (will be translated upon request) - klar til grillen Atomic Buffalo Turds (will be translated upon request) - ready-to-serve Atomic Buffalo Turds (will be translated upon request) - mums Atomic Buffalo Turds (will be translated upon request) - med lidt chilisauce Atomic Buffalo Turds (will be translated upon request) - overskåret

Tomato chutney with chili and ginger (will be translated upon request)

Tomato Chutney is delicious with eggs, is a sandwich, for all kinds of meat, the cheese, touched in a time pasta and as a dip for almost anything. It may, of course, seasoned to taste – and there is free choice of spice shelf. Here, one of my versions.

Tomato chutney with chili and ginger (will be translated upon request)


4 kg tomater – many kinds

4 dl rødvinseddike eller balsamico (balsamic vinegar gives milder taste with less acid)

800 gr brunt sukker – muscovado or brown sugar

2,5 kg løg – like red onion, but use what you think

ca 400 gr ingefær

chili to taste, fresh or dried

2 hele hvidløg

4 topspsk sennepskorn, yellow, brown or black aftertaste

4 toptsk stødt allehånde

op til ca 160 gr salt (you have to taste their way)

maybe some. Sodium benzoate

How to:

The tomatoes are washed and cut into cubes. Remove the hard piece of the stem along the way.

Put the tomatoes in a large pot with vinegar. Now you can well turn the pan over low to medium heat, so the mass can begin to warm up, while you prepare the rest of the ingredients and add them.

Add the brown sugar, sennepskorn og 50 gr salt.

If you use whole allspice, then paint it in spice mill. Put all hand in the pot.

If you are using fresh chillies, so finthak the. I'm using the chillies and remove only the stem within the finely chopped. Come chili in the pot.

Ginger peeled and cut into small pieces. Finely chop the mini chopper or knife on cutting board. Getting it into the pan.

Peel and finthak bulbs – and also came to the pan.

The onions are peeled and cut into cubes the size you prefer – not too small, then it becomes something moss instead of chutney. Put them in the pan to rest.

Now screwed that up the heat and mass Boil. Boiling without the lid to have a consistency like jams. How long it takes, depends on how big a portion you're doing – and by how much heat you boil it. I boil it over medium to high heat – og der tager det ca 30-40 minutter for en lille portion og et par timer for en stor som denne. Stir occasionally to the pan along the way, so it does not burn. It is especially important for some time, If the mass is to thicken.

When chutney'en is nearing completion, season to taste. Is there more salt, sugar, chili and vinegar? It is a good idea to taste at this time, then taste the concentrated as the mass is boiled into. If you get more vinegar, may have to be cooked in a little longer. Tomato The flavor and intensity varies – and you may have cooked the chutney more or internal in. It is therefore vigtit you taste carefully to the particular salt.

When you are satisfied, take the saucepan off the heat and add Atamon, if you use it.

Filled in a clean, scalded and optionally. sodium bezoate rinsed glass jars, which immediately closes well and turned a walk upside down and back again.


How far you use balsamic vinegar or plain red wine vinegar, of course, depends on your taste, but perhaps also on how tangy tomatoes are already. I usually start with balsamic – and then adds any. a little vinegar with more acid when I taste to.

I use both fresh and dried chili. A good dried, crushed ancho or pul biber – or similar 'dark’ chilismag complements the fresh chili gre. Little smoked chili do no damage – You can sagten use a canned chipotle in adobosauce (hang it nicely) or dried, smoked chili.

The amount of ginger may seem extreme, but in the finished relish the taste is subtle and warm.

Tomato chutney with chili and ginger (will be translated upon request) - Ingredients Tomato chutney with chili and ginger (will be translated upon request) - tomaterne skæres i stykker Tomato chutney with chili and ginger (will be translated upon request) - løgene skæres i stykker Tomato chutney with chili and ginger (will be translated upon request) - ingefæren hakkes

Smurt på groft brød som derefter er dækket med tykke skiver frisk tomat og gedeost og bagt i en 225 grader varm ovn til osten er gylden. Sprinkle with basil and a little sea salt.
På groft brød med tomat, gedeost og basilikum


Chili sauce

Not correctly translated yet - A basic chili sauce, where chili flavor is supported by tomato and red pepper. The strength is up to you. The advantage of using tomato, pepper and mild and strong chili together is, that there is plenty of reason flavor in the sauce. If you then want a sharp kick comes the creeping upstairs / after. It works really well.

Chili sauce


Chili fruit aftertaste – f.eks op til 3 kg blandede milde og lidt (obtain individual) strong. Used exclusively quite hot, start such. med ca 150 gram og smag til om der skal mere i.

3 kg rød peber

1½ kg løg

6 dl olivenolie (or other oil)

ca 2 kg flåede eller hakkede tomater

ca 450 gr hvidløg

12 dl eddike, like apple vinegar

12 dl rødvin ELLER 3 dl (apple)eddike mere + 9 dl vand

500 gr salt

1200 gr sukker

Sodium benzoate

How to:

Wash chilies and cut the stem of the. Clean them if you want the grains in the finished sauce (I cleanse them). Skær dem i et par stykker hver.

Wash and peel the peppers and cut them into chunks.

Peel the onions and chop them any. coarse or use fed'ene all.

Peel the onions and cut them in half coarse pieces – twice as large as to blood li. Varm 2 dl af olien op i en stor gryde og steg løgene ved medium varme. Do not take a noticeable color, just be soft and sweet.

When the onions are soft, met the rest of the ingredients – except Sodium benzoat – into the pot and it all brought slowly to simmer. Leave to simmer for half an hour then blended with a hand blender – or to cool until it has a temperature as your normal blender can withstand – then blended and poured back into the pot.

Varm massen op og kog den 10 minutters tid. Season to taste along the way, should be more chili, salt, sugar or vinegar? – it is now. If you get more fresh chili, it should be finely chopped good first, og når chilien er kommet i skal saucen lige koge et par minutter inden du smager på den igen.

When you are satisfied with the taste and the mass has boiled, take the pot off the heat and Atamon added as directed on the bottle.

Heel immediately chili sauce on pure, scalded and optionally. Atamonskyllede bottles which immediately closes well and turned a walk upside down and back again.


There will be approximately. 10 liter af den store portion her – but as you can see, it is easy to divide into smaller portions.

The amount of chili fruits are of course all depends on what you use and how strong you want the sauce. De 3 kg som er maks. I have used, valid if it is mild to moderate strength as the ones I've shown in the pictures below. If you use stronger chili, it might be a good idea to start with a great deal less, and so have several ready to quickly chop and add underway. You can of course add extra red pepper in places for some of chillies.

Chili sauce - Ingredients Chili sauce - chili Chili sauce - chili i stykker Chili sauce - bell pepper chopped Chili sauce - der simres Chili sauce - sauces afkøles lidt før blendning Firebreather chilisasuce 003 006

My Firebreather is made according to the above recipe – medium versionen er tilsat 8 ‘små’ red Morouga – the hottest a good mix of strong chinenser.


Chili con carne (will be translated upon request)

My take on a classic that course can be made in many variations. It takes the little time and it tastes best of days after it is made. They are grateful to freeze and lends itself well to many guests, if it is to be easily. Therefore, it may be a good idea to make a big deal when you're at it. If guests have not cleared the pan, so it may well be frozen in suitable portions.

Chili con carne (will be translated upon request)


4 – 4½ kg okseklump

1200 – 1600 gr løg

ca 4 dl olivenolie

ca 1½ liter oksebouillon – mixed target

4 porter eller stout á 33 cl (can also be the ship's beer)

8 – 10 dl hakkede tomater/tomatpassata/flåede tomater

4 dl god, strong balsamic

4 hvidløg

1 – 4 ds chipotle – i.e.. á 200 gr (can undlades)

Chillies to taste, like mixed. Dried can also be used.

8 topspsk røget paprike (ca 80 gr)

8 små kanelstænger eller tilsvarende mængde store

4 hele stjerneanis

ca 20 laurbærblade – like fresh

8 topspsk oregano (ca 8 – 10 gr)

4 topspsk hel spidskommen (ca 30 gr)

140 gr muscovado sukker (or brown sugar)

140 gr salt

1 kg tørrede kidneybønner (or other beans aftertaste)

A few cups of strong coffee – eller 5-6 tsk pulverkaffe

maybe some. a few cans tomato.

6-8 store røde peberfrugter

ca 600 gr friske eller frosne, thawed corn kernels

300 gr god mørk chokolade – gerne 70-80% kakaoindhold

How to:

Sæt kidneybønnerne i blød i rigeligt koldt vand 12 – 24 timer før du skal lave Chili con carne. De kan udblødes fra 0 – 24 timer – see more here: Do beans soaked?

Cut lump in the dining friendly cubes and brown them in batches in a little oil. I usually brown in a frying pan and then pour the ingredients into the cauldron along the way.

Kom bouillon, beer, tomato and balsamic vinegar to the pan to the meat and turn the pan over very low heat. It will quietly bring to the boil while you prepare and get the next ingredients in.

Peel the onions and cut them into cubes. Brown them in a little oil to the pan – as for onions – they must be light brown.

While you care for them and regularly turns around in them, you can tinker garlic and chop them on the cutting board. In the pot with them.

Hak chipotle and fresh chili. Mild chili in larger pieces, chilli finely. Getting it in.

Add the smoked paprika, cinnamon sticks, star anise, bay leaves, oregano, cumin, muscovado og salt.

Also add the browned onions when they are finished.

Bring the pot quietly to a boil if it is not even. Cover and let it simmer quietly – i ca 90 minutter.

Fish stjerneanis'erne up and came beans. Bring back quietly to a boil and let simmer without låg i 30 – 60 minutter til bønnerne er færdige, if they are soaked first. If they are not macerated, to the boiling longer and it may be advantageous either to boil them some of the time with the lid on, or to be very awake about adding more liquid. Turn regularly around in the pan. The beans must be fully cooked and soft all the way through. Underdone beans are toxic. When they are tender and soft all the way through, is the finished. If there is no liquid on the way, Add the coffee. If you chew a bean that has not received enough when you taste for it, så spyt den ud.

If you're not used coffee to dilute with during cooking, kan du nu tilsætte pulverkaffen. Smag til om retten mangler salt, sugar, chili and other spices. If you think chili con carne'n be tyknes, you can add a few cans tomato.

Cut the peppers into small, eat-friendly cubes and put them in with the corn. Bring back quietly to the boil – simrer 2-3 minutter og gryden tages af varmen. Rør chokoladen i. Season to taste one last time.

Now Chili con carne'n served or soak for later in the day or in the fridge for the next day (the next days – it just gets better).

Heats quietly before serving and served with optional accessories – i.e.. Creme fraiche young nachochips (like touched with a little lime peel) and / or a soft salsa, guacamole, ris, salad, good bread etc.


Of course you can easily use other beans than kidney beans – many kinds. I really like most kinds of beans, but is enthusiastic about the kidney beans in this dish. Use what you like and follow udblødningtiden (If you are using maceration) and kogetiden the package.

Når chili con carne skal genopvarmes, it can easily be done in the oven. Then you are free to run and stir gently into the pan – and can use the time for something else. YLD Chili con carne'n to fad et ildfast, tires first with greaseproof paper and then aluminum foil as Krammes to the edge – or use an ovenproof dish with a lid if you have such a. Staniol blivet almost always etched chilli, derfor bagepapiret først. Sæt det tildækkede fad i kold ovn og varm ovnen op til 150. How long it takes to heat through food, depends on how big the dish is and how much there is in – men ca 45 minutter synes jeg passer til et par portioner.

Court will not damage that met a few pieces of smoked bacon cooking from start – fished up before serving.

Smoked home chillies are not bad.

Undlader you chipotlen, use a few tablespoons extra of the smoked paprika.

Make this a day before you need it, especially the first time. It takes some time to make.

You can make it without oil. So you broil not meat and onions before placing in the pan.

Coded can also get in that whole piece or larger lumps. So extended cooking time for meat is tender – ca 4 timer for en hel klump på 4 – 4½ kilo, shorter for smaller pieces.

Chili con carne (will be translated upon request) - Ingredients Chili con carne (will be translated upon request) - kødet skæres Chili con carne (will be translated upon request) - kødet brunes Chili con carne (will be translated upon request) - løgene skæres i tern Chili con carne (will be translated upon request) - hakket hvidløg Chili con carne (will be translated upon request) - chipotle Chili con carne (will be translated upon request) - chipotle hakketChili con carne (will be translated upon request) - løgene er færdige Chili con carne (will be translated upon request) - frisk chili Chili con carne (will be translated upon request) - chili founders chopped Chili con carne (will be translated upon request) - færdigsimret Chili con carne (will be translated upon request) - klar til at blive rullet og komme en tur i ovnen